Whether your traveling from London to Ipswich or Paris to New York, you will meet all kinds of people that will have some sort of effect in your life. Each type of person bring something special to the place you are from or visit. These are the types of people you will definitely meet when you’re out in Ispwich!
You won’t find this person shopping in Primark that’s for sure. There aren’t many designer shops in Ipswich, so they probably shop online or travel to London. They will be wearing the latest Chanel or carrying the latest smart phone. Their eyebrows will be on fleek. If you love being in the know this person is the one for you.
The stoner will be friendly, peaceful and harmless. They would rather get high than go out on a Friday night. You will find this person busking outside music shops, always smiling cheerful and very philosophical.
You will find this person hanging out in all the best restaurants in Ipswich. You could find yourself caught up in a convo about the hog roast on the market or what is the best sausage in the shopping aisle. They always have the best Insta food pics on their feed.
If you enjoy intelligent and educated conversation this is the person for you. You will find this person at Ipswich Museum or in the College Library. They will be involved in local politics and enjoying fancy restaurants.
It’s unavoidable meeting this type of person, especially if Ipswich are playing a home game. The trains will be full of them they will be loud and in groups. They take games very seriously and are down for a great time.
Id you’re out shopping on a Saturday in Ipswich, you will come across these types of people. Matching tattoos, wearing a mirror image of themselves, and almost always in deep private conversations, these BFF’s are inseparable.
Ipswich town has a lot of buskers singing a copy of Ed Sheeran or Simon Garfunkel. You will hear music throughout the town to enjoy while your shopping. These people are very artistic and friendly.
Of course I could go on about all the types of people you will meet whilst out in Ipswich I recommend you take a day trip or a short break to really feel the people in Ipswich town. You never know, you may find your soul mate or musically like minded person.
Featured Image: weheartit
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