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10 People You Will Always Run into At Glasgow Caledonian University

10 People You Will Always Run into At Glasgow Caledonian University

10 People You Will Always Run into At Glasgow Caledonian University

Glasgow Caledonian has set itself apart as being the cool and diverse University in Glasgow. The campus boats a plethora of different students meaning there will come a time (or many!) that you’ll meet wonderful, friendly and colourful people studying at GCU. Here are the 8 types of people you’ll meet at Glasgow Caledonian University.

1. The Party Animal

You know the ones that barely make it through Freshers’ Week, never mind the whole academic year. Every university has them, the party animal, the student who can never say no to a night out. With Glasgow Caledonian University being in the centre of Glasgow, where there is no shortage of bars, pubs, clubs – you’ll definitely meet a party animal or two.


2. The Organised One

More often than not you come across many students that don’t know when their deadlines are and are all over the place throughout the semester. However, there are the students that are organised from the get go – rare, I know. However, they do exist. They’ll usually have their huge diaries out in class, writing down, highlighting and maybe even sticking the odd post it notes in there to remind them of deadlines that are light years away. It takes a special kind of person to be organised at Uni, so we can only applaud their efforts!

3. The Fashionista

Being only one of two Universities in Glasgow that offer fashion related degrees and one of the few in the whole of Scotland, you’re bound to run into a fashion student. The fashion students are the fashionistas on campus – always wearing the best outfits whether it’s to lectures or a jaunt in the library.


4. The Team Player

Most students dread group-work, but these guys don’t. They live for it! There’s no doubt you’ll come across a few of these types during your time at Glasgow Caledonian University as team work is a huge part of every degree studied.


5. The Absentee

There’s always one student you see during Induction week (if they even bother to show up) and then never see again until a deadline is due or they’re simply ordered into Class by the head of year. The swan in and out of class when they want – you almost forget they go to GCU!

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6. The Mother Hen

Usually a mature student or a student with a mature head on them. They look after your class or your group of friends. Offering advice and kindness, pointing you in the right direction. They’re more than likely more experienced at life than you are, so listen to them when they offer you a dose of their witty and wise words.

7. The Creative

In Glasgow, there is no shortage of creative types so it’s a guarantee you’ll run into a few creative individuals on campus at Glasgow Caledonian University. They’re usually the ones that try and turn any task, project, group-work into some sort of creative activity – even if it is just a power-point presentation you need to create.


8. The One Who Gets Involved In All GCU Activities

You know the ones that you bump into multiple times either because they’re throwing flyers for different events in your face, they go on all the study trips or they just seem to pop up everywhere you go. They live for extra-curricular activities – no doubt their resumes are booming, but how do they manage to be in so many places at the one time!?

These are just 8 types of people you’ll meet at Glasgow Caledonian University – we guarantee there will be more. What types of boys/girls have you ran into during your time at GCU?

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