Party Life

UK carnivals are some of the biggest carnivals in the world - and no they're not festivals. A carnival is much bigger and involves many, many more people. If you're looking to enjoy Caribbean culture, then these are the top carnivals in the United Kingdom!
The Top 3 UK Carnivals To Attend And Why You Should

There is a carnival for every month of the year, all over the globe. Carnival…

8 Showstopping Party Ideas For A Sweet 16
8 Showstopping Party Ideas For A Sweet 16

Sweet 16 is an important time for any girl. It’s when you’re on the cusp…

Do you just love hip-hop? Here's some of the craziest festivals you should attend in order to experience the real hip-hop culture!
The Top Festivals Around The World You Should Go To If You Love Hip Hop

Today, hip hop and urban cultures in the broadest sense are probably some of the…

One of the things that can sweeten a 7:30 morning class is a smoke. Not a cigarette smoke, but a vape smoke. As campuses are conquered by vapers, here are the things only students who vape can understand.
10 Things Only Students Who Vape Understand

One of the things that can sweeten a 7:30 morning class is a smoke. Not…

These are some of the things you need to do before you turn 30! This bucket list will give you a run for your money and you will love every minute.
10 Bucket List Things To Do ASAP Before You Turn 30

A bucket list, of sorts, of all the things I think we should all try…

If music festivals are your thing, you won't want to miss these ones. Take a look at 10 of the top music festivals in Europe!
Music Festivals In Europe You Need To Experience

Planning on going to Europe soon? Looking for a musical stop in the middle of…

The crier, snacker, and the snoozer are just a few of the typical girls you see out. These are the 10 types of girls you'll definitely meet at a London bar!
The 10 Types Of Girls You’ll Meet At A London Bar

There are hundreds of bars in London, each with its own theme and clientele. However,…

Cheap festival makeup essentials like festival glitter, face gems, temporary tattoos, highlighters and lip toppers are must haves for this summer season.
10 Cheap Festival Makeup Essentials You Need This Season

Festival season is fast approaching and more and more shops are catering to a festival…

The Best Drinks To Serve At A College Party
The Best Drinks To Serve At A College Party

I don’t know about you, but when I think of a college party –  or…

Here are the British festival must-haves for you to get ready for summer festivals. Check out our list of 10 must-have items you can't go without!
10 British Festival Must-Have’s That You Can’t Go Without

With any festival there are some british festival must-haves to make sure you’re having the…