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Our Uni Graduation Checklist: How To Be Prepared

Our Uni Graduation Checklist: How To Be Prepared

This is the uni graduation checklist you need in order to be ready for commencement! University graduation is no joke and you want to do it right, so here are the universal rules.

So you’ve spent the last couple of years getting pissed, broke and stressed out of your mind for this big day, where you can pick up that piece of paper that you’ve worked so hard to get and say you’ve got a degree! This is a momentous day, so you don’t want anything to go wrong and you’re going to want to be prepared. Here’s a uni graduation checklist of the things you’ll need to remember to be prepared for your big day.

Confirm your place

Sounds obvious, but it’s something you definitely need to. If you don’t do this then you’ll turn up to the big day and you’ll be waiting for them to call out your name, which won’t happen. Save yourself the stress and remember to register!

Order your gown

Your graduation insta pic wouldn’t be the same without you throwing your cap in the air and trying to catch it. Get all measured up and order your graduation gown through whatever company your university is getting their supply from.


Buy your tickets

You obviously want to be celebrating with your friends and family around you, so be prepared and buy your tickets in advance so you can guarantee to get all the tickets you need.

Buying your graduation dress

Now for the fun part. Finding the perfect dress can be a lengthy process and take a lot of time and effort. You want to wear something unique and special while looking classy and elegant. Websites like ASOS have beautiful dresses in different styles at reasonable prices.

Bring hairgrips to your graduation

Now, this shouldn’t be too much of an issue if you’ve correctly measured your head for your graduation cap, but sometimes the hat might be a little too big or too small. A way of avoiding having it fall off your head is to bring some hairgrips with you, to help hold it in place. Also handy if it’s a bit windy that day.

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Take lots of photos

Make sure your family takes lots of photos of you on your big day. It might seem annoying to be constantly asked to smile and pose, but you’ll be thankful in the years to come to be able to look back on that day with a smile. This definitely needs to be one of the biggest things on your uni graduation checklist!

Enjoy it!

You’ve worked hard for this, so don’t forget to relax and enjoy your big day. Forget about any little dramas that are going on and take the time to appreciate all the work you’ve put in and the amazing memories you’ve created over the years. Welcome to the adult world!


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Featured Image Source: www.