10 New Year Resolutions To Create A Happier You In 2018

2018 has begun and is well underway to passing into the year ahead, You probably made some New Year resolutions and if anything are now halfway through January struggling to keep them. Well, fear no more the year has only begun and the best way to stay positive and become a better-off in 2018 is to simple refresh yourself, rid the negativity and start right now, start to create a happier you. So here’s 10 New Year resolutions you will be able to keep.
1. Drink more water
Some may recoil and think of the strangest ideas at such a thought but this actually has such deeper meaning. Water is the source of life and its amazing what from research it can mentally and physically do for you body, because after all healthy body equals to a healthy mind. The focus is not just physical here but mental also, mental health can be ignored and is just as important to create a most positive outlook for the year ahead. Think of January as this start line of the race or marathon and you must continue to the end. You’ll have plenty of stops and alternating moments of giving up and reaching for old habits but this is a small example of how the tiniest of changes you make yourself overcome can have a larger impact and make you more self aware that you can in fact start small and expand.
2. Take up a new hobby
Seems a bit simple but it may be something that you have failed to do for years previous. It can be something as small and simple as learning to paint or making candles, or something larger and more extreme, a lifetime wish is something that should be fulfilled and make you happier because there’s nothing greater than actually achieving something you feel passionate about. It may be one off thing but the complexity of actually competing it is something unexplainable unless you push yourself and only you can do what you want to achieve. See the new days ahead as something you want to wake up to every day and think, yes I can and I will ride that horse or knit that scarf, I am unstoppable.
3. Take a trip
What I mean by this is not a trip from a drug perspective but instead take a trip. It could be to somewhere as simple as a weekend drive away or an extravagant city break or break to a place you have never been before. The opportunities are endless, but the point here is getting out and about, exploring new or old visited places. Being the explorer you always need in life and seeing more of the world is something that is a gift. It can be planned or spontaneous, but it should excited you and motivate you to think about also the metaphorical journey you are embraced in during your year ahead and life. It’s a type of euphoria in life that should be taken for granted and used to your advantage. Take the needed city break or journey to the jungles in the middle of nowhere, the possibilities are huge and you should never restrict yourself and say ‘I can’ because sometimes the one thing stopping you is yourself. The focus is you and that’s all that is needed.
4. Get out there and socialise
It’s a fact, nowadays people have gave up on socialising and focus on more staying in and either binge watching and using social media are ways of keeping in contact. Sure these are fun but like everything in life moderation is key. Its unhealthy to repeat the same routine daily and cut yourself off the world, you need good positive interaction and sometimes you need to remove the old and toxic and meet new and fun. It begins with meeting people and taking the same time they would for you as you would with them. There are so many ways to socialise and it doesn’t have to be an anxiety riddled task, it can be fun and enthralling! Start the right way and live life more out in the social world because you’ll be surprised to know that there are still good people out there just waiting for your time and fun. Plus there’s no time like the present so why waste more time than need be.
5. Sleep and love being awake together
Life doesn’t always revolve around sleep but it is essential. We don’t want to live on our beds because that way we miss out on life but here’s a tip, work at both. Wake up and work the hardest you have, every single day so when you do reach that time in the day to sleep you can dose off and have the best sleep every night. Waking up and sleeping should just be as enjoyable, and who cares if you go to bed early or wake up late some days, get all the sleep you want and need and be blessed that you can enjoy something so spectacular because after all this makes the focus on you more elaborate and life’s too short to not enjoy a bit of cosy sleep.
6. Date more
It may not be for everyone and some may feel put off with either their own or other disaster dating stories but it doesn’t have to be this way. Dating can actually work wonders for your self esteem and that is important when it comes to your confidence and mental health. So why not take more risks and get out there on more dates, I mean the worst that can happen is that its not for you but then you can at least acknowledge that you tried and you did it for you. Its not a ‘lets get married’ scenario and sometimes you can feel that little lonely, if anything it’s a fun venture and could make for great story telling, so top tip 2018 may be the year you can gain the confidence to date and enjoy the company of another. So learn to excite yourself and you may even try a few new places, explore more and become the adventurous you that you always dreamed of being.
7. Cut back on social media
This may be more difficult to keep than the ‘lets go to the gym; mantra that occurs every January. This one is portably the most important, we spend most of our daily lives glued to a screen on our phones or TV so maybe it time to slowly emerge and step away from that screen and focus more on what’s happening before our eyes right now. Appreciate what we have and what’s coming and maybe instead of making the excuse of ‘looking for daily info’ read more and use our eyes for good. Some of us may even have an addiction and this could be important to tackle in 2018 so take a step back and recalibrate your life, it may even do you some good.
8. Buy yourself a new dazzling outfit
Probably one for the inner shopaholic but actually buying a new outfit can do wonders to your appearance and confidence overall. Whether its something you’ve had your eye on forever and its been in your wish list that long you’ve never mustered the confidence to buy or just a spur of the moment ‘I want’ purchase’ its always a good idea. You don’t have to go mad but instead just purchase that one special outfit that will hep you through the year and will be the outfit for those special occasions that bring our your inner goodness, so its time to ‘treat yo self’.
9. Cook and make more homemade meals
Become that home baking wife you’ve always pictured yourself and learn to bake those cookies you saw in that online video the other week. Coking homemade meals can have such a huge impact as they make you feel more accomplished and its even better when you can give others a taste of your hard work and they love it! The home made prep work can also lead to a healthier you overall, trying new recipes and making from scratch also doesn’t have to be too time consuming or expensive, its all fun really. Its also great to try this with others or even host dinner parties, the results are endless and all positive so why not try one of those online videos and at least give it a go, make use of skills you may not know you even had.
10. Spend a month drinking less/ go dry
This one may have a few people in panic. From personal experience giving up and doing a dry month is amazing, plus its not forever – you’ll live. Giving up alcohol allows you to focus on more important things; work, hobbies or drinking more water. It allows a more clear mind and a clearer mind is something which may open up your consciousness to more creative ideas. For others its more about the self control to focus on something that is important and about setting yourself the principal that you can do this. Whatever the reason it will save you the chances of a hangover and a higher bank balance which you could put towards something else you ay be more passionate about, either way it’s a win win and once the month is up, well afterwards is up to you.