
10 New Fashion Trends That Are Shockingly Cute

As the shops begin stocking new clothes, Instagram models begin upping their game and everyone all or a sudden looks like they’ve hired a personal stylist we know we are expecting a new season which only means two thing… hotter weather and even hotter fashion trends. Some trends are major fashion-flops and some are garment-glory’s! Here are 10 new fashion trends right now that are shockingly cute, so get ready to splash some (student loan) cash and look super-stylish this season.

Bright Coloured Trousers Suits

Suits have always been something women have tended to avoid outside of the office. However, 2018 is all about women empowerment and girl-bosses, so lets put our authoritative statement suits on and take on the world. Every high street, high end and online store is providing us with incredible suit co-ords with elaborate and stand-out colours…what more could we ask for?

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Raw Fabric Dresses

We are all for saving the world and all, but never took it as far as our clothing, right? A trend right now that is more sustainable but ultra stylish and cute are raw fabric outfits! Total hippy-vibes and boho chic is something we are all wanting to jump on this seasons bandwagon with… and can you see why?! Who would of thought wearing a single piece of fabric, wrapped around is could looks so expensively chic, aye? 

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Stripes, Stripes, and Well…More Stripes

Stripes have always been something those cool-hippy girls would wear, and we would never be confident enough to try rocking even striped underwear, never mind striped trousers! Striped socks, tops, rompers and trousers, and we still want more! The stripe look is one of the new fashion trends that we love because of its classic vibe.

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Letting the Leopard Print Loose From The Cage

If you wear leopard print you want one thing, and expect this one thing – ATTENTION. We all love attention, there is no denying it, which is probably why this statement outfit piece surely is making its presence known right now, and we are loving it!

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Pastel Dresses and Trainers

From witnessing our favourite high-end fashion brands bring in this year’s new trend – pastel shades – the high streets, fashion bloggers, stylists and regular folks like us are jumping on this trend like there is no tomorrow. As this quick-coming trend is evolving faster than we can say “pastel parma violets”, the hottest way to style these sorbet-esq pastel shades is with gleaming white trainers…

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Low-Maintenance High-Style Belt Bags

Please somebody find the designer who created a fashion item that functions both as a belt AND a bag, that looks super stylish and cool, so we can personally applaud him! Why has nobody thought of this before? Of course, there has been bum-bags and fanny-packs out for a while now, but one that also works to keep our waist cinched-in and our pants up is genius. 

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Gold Necklaces

Well minus the 24-carrot-gold bit because us poor students over hear can’t afford that, but, gold jewellery is a trend that is proving to be very popular and fashion-forward right now! Forget dainty chains, elegant earrings, and silver-rings… it’s all about the chunky gold. This is one of the new fashion trends that is perfect for the person who likes layering jewellery.

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See Also

Fringed Clothes

Fringes have made a statement comeback – not for our hair but our clothes – and we are obsessed! As festival season is approaching, and recent teased-Coachella pictures surfaced on Insta – proves how trendy fringing on our clothing is, and going to be this season. From our bags, tops and jackets fringing can up your game from 0-10.

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Graphics Tees

Something we are seeing everywhere right now is graphic t-shirts. It can vamp up any look and seem like you made more effort than you actually have – hallelujah! They look effortlessly trendy with an urban-style. This is one of the street style new fashion trends.

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Scarf Chokers

2018 has already come through with the most fashion-forward styles and we have loved every single one. But one we have seen make an appearance from our favourite fashion bloggers and fashion designers is the scarf chokers. Cool, sophisticated and giving us major South of France vibes!

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Which of these new fashion trends are you going to try? Let us know in the comments below.

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

Featured Image Source:
Taylor Spalding

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