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5 Netflix Series That Will Keep You Glued To The Couch

5 Netflix Series That Will Keep You Glued To The Couch

5 Netflix Series That Will Keep You Glued To The Couch

Netflix was created for lazy people like us. It is actually the best present they gave us: a massive network with millions of tv series for everyone. Sometimes there is nothing else you want to do except watching a Netflix series to binge the weekend away. The great thing about the Netflix series is that we don’t longer have to wait weeks for a new episode. This fact is also kind of dangerous for people like me. As I said, I am lazy by nature and I just stream the whole series until the last episode. If you are like me, then you know what I am talking about.  But what happens when your favourite Netflix series ends? Do you get that awful feeling, like if you lost something important? I do.

So, if you have finished your favourite Netflix series or you are just a few episodes from the end and you want to be prepared, this is the place to go.

1. Jane The Virgin

Okay. I have to admit that I started watching this series ages ago, and I didn’t like it. Then, my boyfriend when to Coachella (without me) and I had to look for something that would distract me from that horrible jealous feeling (Coachella without me). I came across. Jane The Virgin again, and this time I took my time to watch the episodes and understand the plot. Well, girls, if you love telenovelas, plot twists, love and drama you NEED to watch this Netflix Series. I promise you that it will not disappoint you.


2. Peaky Blinders

Another little confession… I started watching this Netflix series only for the main actor Cillian Murphy – yes girls he is hot. But, after taking a cold shower, I found myself to be very intrigued by the whole story. It is settled in the old Birmingham and talks about this powerful club of guys called the Peaky Blinders. I will not say more because you have probably heard about this series before. If you didn’t watch it for whatever reason, give it a chance.

3. Special

Newly Netflix Series, I watched the trailer a few times but never really paid too much attention to it. So, one night when I was bored, I just put it on, and It really surprised me. It is the story of this awkward gay guy Rayan, that is trying to impress everyone at his first unpaid internship, nervous about meeting his Grindr crush and also has cerebral palsy. The whole show is a series of awkward and hilarious moments.


4. The Assassination of Gianni Versace

For all of you that are studying fashion or are interested in fashion, well this movie needs to be watched. We all know that the amazing Versace was killed in is Villain 1997, but what we don’t know is the life story of his killer: Andrew Cunanan. The Netflix Series jumps around the life of this eccentric yet darkly twisted character and the life of Gianni Versace and his sister Donatella.


5. Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes


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This original Netflix Series is not for everyone. When I watched the first time I couldn’t sleep and had to call my mum every time I was getting home from a late work day.


Said that, be aware that if you are easily scared like I am, you should watch this Netflix series during day time, with your friends.

On the other hand, if you are looking for some genuine terror, well, let it come from a real-life documentary series of the man who traumatised and yet fascinated the whole America: Ted Bundy. The series is based on taped interviews that he recorded in jail with Stephen Michaud, while he was on death row. Bundy always claimed to be innocent, and so the reporter kept on asking him questions to which he responded in the third person. Only a few days before his execution, Bundy decided to confess, not because he was moved by his barbaric actions, but because he thought they would have postponed his death to gain more information.

Over the last few years Netflix has realised some really interesting and funny series. We all agree that Netflix Series have saved our weekend and turned them into funny and not-so-lonely nights.


Tell us what is your favourite Netflix series in the comments below!