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These 8 Natural Ways To Balance Hormones Will Save You

These 8 Natural Ways To Balance Hormones Will Save You

Want some help with dealing with your period the next time it comes around, here are some tips and tricks to help your period be as painless as it can be.

Periods aren’t glamorous, nor are they fun. Some of us get it worse than others, but one thing’s for sure, periods are a pain in the ass!

Take a look at these 8 natural ways to balance your hormones during your period. The majority of these tips can be used 24/7. If you still use these between your period, then your body will be better equipped to deal with your symptoms way before Mother Nature knocks at your door.

1. Avoid refined carbs and don’t eat too much sugar

Cravings are a huge part of periods and your PMS (Pre Menstrual Symptoms) would love nothing more than to make you gorge on sweet treats and a big plate of pasta.


Try replacing the pasta with courgette spaghetti instead. Or make lasagne with butternut squash sheets – these are amazing, and you don’t notice the difference in amongst all that beautiful cheese and tomato sauce.

2. Drink green tea

Green tea is not only a natural way to balance your hormones when ‘the painters are in’. It’s an effective detox method, and improves brain function (perfect for that forgetful period brain). As one of the healthiest beverages on the planet, green tea keeps you regular, and maintains healthy oil levels in your skin. Pair your cuppa with an indulgent flax seed muffin (flax stabilises your hormones by balancing estrogen-progesterone ratio throughout the menstrual cycle) for the ultimate period-pain prevention snack!


3. Meditation & Sleep

Finding and mastering different meditations can be time consuming. However if you make a point of discovering what works for you prior to your period, you’ll significantly increase the likelihood of reducing feelings of anxiety or blues when your period arrives.

Start each day with at least 5 minutes of relaxation time. The National Sleep Foundation deems 7-9 hours sleep as the healthiest amount. Make sure you combine your meditation with a consistent sleeping pattern in order to feel calmer, and thus ready to deal with whatever Mother Nature has to throw at you.


 4. Try not to binge on any food (not just the unhealthy stuff), and be careful not to under eat

Your body needs some extra help during your period. As gynaecologist Dr Kim Langdon told BUSTLE magazine, “diuretic foods, beverages, and herbs can help eliminate excess fluid retention” that sometimes occurs during menstruation, and “prevent constipation that can lead to bloat.”

In order to allow circulation of a natural balance of hormones, you need to provide your body with the right amount of nutrients and energy. The period experts at Tampax say fresh fruits and greens work wonders for your body when balanced with fattier (still good for you) snacks, like hummus and dark chocolate.

5. Stay hydrated

Carrying a bottle with you is not only good for the environment, it is good for your body too. It is clinically proven that bad PMS is partly caused by environmental factors – especially excess oestrogen from plastics and other chemical exposures. So, keeping a water bottle with you will avoid exposure to unnecessary toxins.


Try to avoid sodas and coffee. These contain excess amounts of caffeine and sugars, which increase heart rate causing energy crashes, and encourage negative fluid retention. These are what unbalance the oils in your skin, causing period break-outs and itches.


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6. Limit your alcohol intake

Heavy periods and super painful cramps have become normalised, but you don’t actually have to deal with it. Research suggests that excess amounts of alcohol can heighten the levels of oestrogen, thus influencing longer periods and intensifying the shedding of the womb process.

Information provided by the University of St. Andrews alleges women can get drunk quicker whilst on their period too. So stay cautious, because there’s nothing worse than a period hangover. Gross.

7. Stay warm

If your body is telling you it’s exhausted and the pain is unbearable, sometimes the best way to get through, is to call in sick or ask to work from home. Don’t feel guilty for giving yourself some extra love when on your period! You gotta do what you gotta do.


Hot water bottles, mugs of green tea, big jumpers, and blankets will make you feel safe, comfy and warm. Let nature run its course.

8. Finally, just go with your own flow gal

Try your best to embrace and adore your womanhood, for this is the most natural (and sadly unavoidable) process for a female being. Use these tips to help you through the tough times, but you can’t control nature, so let her do her thing. Also, what’s more badass than having the ability to create life anyway?!


Who runs the world? GIRLS. What are your tips to balance hormones? Tell us in the comments!

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