Friends is most definitely my most favourite comedy TV show of all time. I have never appreciated a show so much and constantly find myself laughing my head off no matter how many times I have seen a particular episode. The characters, jokes and skits have stood the test of time and will be loved by generation after generation. Its universally accepted that Friends is the ultimate TV comedy sitcom of all time, with special and hilarious episodes that you can watch over and over. Did anyone else cry when the last episode aired? I definitely did! The great thing about Friends is that it will never actually go away, through replays and DVD, it will always be possible to dive into the world of Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, Rachel and Ross whenever needed…they will always be there for us! This list is definitely not complete and no list will really do Friends justice, as, let’s face it, every single episode has several hilarious moments within it. Here are some of my favourite Friends moments of all time, in no particular order!
I’m sure this Friends moment was loved and appreciated by Friends fans around the world. It was so romantically perfect that it will go down in history as one of the most iconic love scenes in the history of entertainment. It was the time the two ‘lobsters’ as Phoebe later calls them finally get together, after numerous hurdles and other love interests move out of the way. And what a rollercoaster ride it was! This is by far one of my favourite Friends moment of all time and I still feel that warm fuzzy feeling every time I watch this episode.
Who can forget this iconic Friends moment where Ross tries to impress his date by wearing some extra tight leather pants. He tries to make the situation more comfortable in the bathroom of his date, to hilarious results. Baby powder, lotion, none of the above help the situation in any way.
One of the funniest Friends moments of all time is when Joey goes on a date and much to his horror, his date attempts to eat some of the food off his plate. Of course, this date is doomed from the get-go. We learn that Joey does not share food under any circumstances, and we love him even more for it.
How adorable was it when we meet the man who will eventually marry Phoebe. He just happens to be perfect in every way, complimenting Phoebe in every way possible. One of my favourite Friends moments is definitely how he actually meets Phoebe because Joey forgets to actually arrange a date for her, with a man named Mike. He tries to find a date at the last minute and shouts the name Mike across the Central Perk and low and behold, we meet a Mike that will eventually melt Phoebe’s heart. Could it be any more perfect? Awww.
This has to be without a doubt one of the funniest Friends moments of all time. I absolutely loved how Rachel and Ross had to sit together on the plane on their trip to Vegas and the hilarious pranks they played on each other all night. Gosh, they are just perfect for each other, aren’t they! Little did they know, their pranks and drinking of the entire hotel mini bar lead them to do something that really, they should have done long ago…get married! Sadly, it ends up as being one of Ross’s third divorces! But one that he will thankfully reverse later on. 🙂
I definitely felt for Ross in this Friends moment, when he walks in on Joey and Rachel kissing. In all honesty, I felt the exact same way as him. Joey! What are you thinking?? Ross’s reaction to this is definitely something we can all relate to if we would walk in on one of our friends kissing an important ex. Nooo! “I don’t know why it’s coming out all loud and squeaky, cuz really, I’m fine!”
I have never laughed harder at a scene in Friends. Oh wait sorry, I take that back. It is impossible to laugh at Friends constantly and no one moment is funnier than the other! This Friends moment is definitely one of my favourites: when Ross and Rachel decide to make up after their “break”. The expression on Ross’s face is priceless when Rachel attempts to put him in his place.
ROFL! Ross is definitely one of the most understatedly funny characters in Friends with his hilarious one-liners and ability to make fun of himself. I love you Ross! You do you! This response is just perfect to Rachel saying that she is super angry and has never felt that angry before. Ross helpfully reminds her of another time she was also very angry, reminding us of another hilarious Friends moment. Hahaha Ross, exactly! What about that time!
Hahaha, I loved it when Phoebe watches in disbelief as Ross and Rachel settle an argument calmly. I feel her! Where did all the drama go? Come on, guys! We aren’t used to this! Lol.
Joey’s reaction to realising that Monica and Chandler are dating has to be one of the funniest realisations of all time. This is a personal favourite GIF of mine to send to my friends when I realise something. Joey is all of us in those moments!
“Oh..that’s your thing!” Phobe says after Ross gets married for the 3rd time with Rachel.”My what?” He replies. “Your thing, you know, you’re the guy who gets divorced!” LOL. She goes on to say “You love divorce so much you’re probably going to marry it, then it won’t work out so you’re going to have to divorce it, divorcing guy!” Oh, Phoebe! This is hands down one of my favourite Friends moments of all time.
Ross explains a karate concept of self-defence: “This is something you really should be familiar with, its what the Japanese call: Unagi”. Rachel then responds: “Isn’t that a kind of sushi?” I was literally rolling on the floor with laughter during this episode with Ross’s obsession with his new found zen state of Unagi. It, of course, didn’t really apply to him when Rachel and Phoebe startle him in his apartment!
There are so many beautiful moments in Joey and Chandler’s friendship. Remember the time they got robbed and the sad time that Chandler had to finally move out of his apartment with Joey and live with Monica. Their sweet friendship was definitely one of the best Friends moments of the show.
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