Typically, nobody wants to start they’re day other than drinking gallons of coffee, making ourselves look somewhat put together and having zero interaction with anyone – besides our dog. However, the summer months are approaching and finding time to squeeze in those much needed workouts can be quite difficult! If you are ready to start working towards your dream sum-bod, the most effective and time efficient way is by doing HIIT workouts every morning of the week! HIIT – high intensity interval training – a minimalistic workout that only requires short periods of intense workouts – shhhh, it’s a quick fix for those desired bod’s! Here are the most effective HIIT workouts to start any day with…
The plank is one of the most effective HIIT workouts that targets more than one part of the body. It benefits our balance and posture while toning our core, abs, glutes, back and hamstrings. If you are able to hold for longer than 60 seconds (teach us how) than try for three minutes!
High knee jumps can sound a little daunting for any beginner workout-er, yes, however these are a great way to get our bodies moving, our glutes toning and our endurance increasing! Try taking part in high knee jumps for around 4 minutes for those killer legs and abs!
For all those gals looking for that peachy bum! Have you ever met a girl who wouldn’t want a round, peachy bum? Donkey kicks are exactly what they sound like… on all fours you kick back a leg and a time while tensing the glutes and kicking upwards. These work great and are an effective way of toning our bum for sum! Start with around 20 donkey kicks on each leg.
The good old squats! Another great HIIT workout for toning our derrieres… depending on your fitness level, start with 20 squats but if you can manage more push yourself as far as you can.
You can never workout your bum too much. By lay on your back with your feet tucked under, you thrust your hips up and create a bridge with your body. By using the glutes in our bum it helps tighten and tone our back end! Start with around 20 bridges.
Another one that requires being lay down – winner – leg raises help tone our quads, thighs, glutes and lower abs! Lower abs are one of the hardest spots on our body to tone, and these nifty leg raises are a great way to target those stubborn areas. Start with around 20 leg raises.
We all know how effective crunches are for our abs, and so why would we miss them out during our HIIT workout? While lay on your back crunch your abs inwards while looking up to the ceiling and instantly feel your abs tone! Start with around 15 crunches.
Although these are called kettle bell twists, kettle bells are required (unless you do own any). Instead, you could use anything in your proximity that weights around the weight of a hand hairdryer. You could use hair styling tools, tins of beans or a big bottle of water. sat on the bottom of your tailbone with your legs and back slightly lifted twists from side to side to work those obliques. Start with around 20 kettle bell twists.
Another workout for those stubborn lower abs! These also help towards toning our glutes and thighs. By laying on your back and slowly kicking our legs alternatively to each other, you will instantly feel our lower abs working their butt off! With each leg, start with around 15 butterfly kicks.
These are probably one of the hardest and most effective HIIT workouts and will surely get you pumped for your day ahead! These work your hamstrings, abs, back, quadriceps and get your stamina stronger! My being face down with your arms straight and your hands flat against the floor, you simply replicate running motions with your feet on the spot. Start with around 3 minutes of intense and fast mountain climbers.
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