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10 Most Beautiful Beaches In The World

10 Most Beautiful Beaches In The World

Looking for a holiday inspiration? How about the most beautiful beaches in the world? Great views, crystal clear water and peace.

Whether you’re looking for quiet and picturesque beaches, party islands or family resorts, this list of most beautiful beaches might be for you! Warm and colorful sand, crystal clear blue water and amazing views – that is what most people choose and would go for! Find the one that will suit your taste and eye, here is a list of 10 Most Beautiful Beaches In The World!

1. Seagrass Bay, Fiji

Laucala Island is a private paradise located near Taveuni in the FijiĀ Islands and offers a wild, more jungle-like beaches and views. Imagine walking barefoot on warm sand at sunset time watching the water gently touching your toes while you’re admiring Mother Nature and its treasures?! Yes, this is the best description of this place imaginable. It is a bit pricey but it is so worth it!

2. Bathsheba Bay, Barbados

For many Barbados is a luxury for others it is just a weekend gateway – regardless of that, this place has definitely the most Instagrammable and beautiful beaches on this planet! Bathsheba Bay is located on the East Coast of Barbados and offers unforgettable views.


3. Palm Beach, Aruba

‘Bonbini’ means ‘Welcome’ in Aruba’s native language, Papiamento – and you will be welcomed like no other!Ā Aruba is a tropical and very exotic place that should be on your bucket list! People are the friendliest human being on this Earth and they will make yourĀ stay at Aruba ten times better!

4. Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman

Seven Mile Beach is located on Grand Cayman’s west shore and it doesn’t actually measure 7 miles long but 5.5 miles instead. The crystal clear water will take your breath away and have you dreaming of coming back once you leave this place!

5. Horseshoe Bay, Bermuda

Most beautiful beaches are all over the world! This Horseshoe Bay Beach has been named after its curving shape and it is most famous for its pink sand! Looks magical!


6. Vik, Iceland

Iceland is definitelyĀ a treasure Mother Nature has decided to gift humans – it is mystical, gorgeous and all you can really do is stare at this beautiful land! Vik is an Instagram famous black sand beach that will have you hypnotized.

7. Vaadhoo, Maldives

Vaadhoo Island and the sea of stars! This is called when science comes hand in hand with nature and create a place that is admired by thousands and visited by millions of touristsĀ each year.

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8. Harbour Island, The Bahamas

The Bahamas is all about white and pink-sand most beautiful beaches offering wild views and unforgettable moments. It is a place you should see at least once in your life and feel the vibe and energy coming from the locals. Additionally, Harbour Island has been ranked number 1 place to visit when on vacation in the Bahamas!

9. Ngapali Beach, Myanmar

Another paradise on Earth! Ngapali Beach is an accessible and quite affordable travel destination that will be worth your time and money! Crystal clear water, a clean long beach, and the wildlife right next to it are the trademarks of this place! If you’ve never been to Myanmar – why not save up and get yourself a ticket to this outstanding place and discover one of the many most beautiful beaches on the planet!

10. Where The Caribbean Sea Meets The Atlantic Ocean

Saint Kitts, which is formally known as Saint Christopher Island, is an island that separates the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean! It is the most popular spot that people visit to see themselves the difference in color and temperature of the water itself!


Which one of those most beautiful beaches in the world is your favorite? Share with us in the comments below.

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