20 Mistakes Every University Of Nottingham Fresher Makes

Welcome to uni! And what better uni than the University of Nottingham am I right?#GreenAndGold You’re a fresher straight out of sixth form or maybe you took a “gap yah.” Whatever the case you will probably commit at least a few of these fresher mistakes. Whether it’s spending all your student loan in a couple of weeks or thinking you can handle six types of alcohol at pres. Check out these 20 mistakes every University of Nottingham fresher makes and see if you can relate.
1. Getting on the wrong bus
University of Nottingham has some of the best transport ever, hands down. The buses run every five minutes and it only costs £1.50 for a student! But… there are so many buses. As a fresher you’ll definitely jump onto the wrong bus at some point, oh look you’ve ended up in Derby instead of town centre. The hopper buses on campus are confusing until you figure them out. Until then you might end up at Kings Meadow Campus when you were just trying to get from David Ross to Portland.
2. Getting lost
Don’t worry, you can and will get lost on foot too! Especially in the Trent building, and definitely the Coates building. These are hard to navigate in third year let alone as a fresher. You will find yourself clasping your map on your phone and running late to your first seminar.
3. Going out in heels
Shout out to all the girls, and boys I guess, who frequently went out in heels at home and brought them to uni. This is one of the best lessons to learn at uni. That you can go on every night out in trainers. Fuck yes. Now you have no excuse to dance. Oh and older students will mock you for attempting slippery Crisis steps in heels.
4. An embarrassing Crisis photo booth
Bare bellies, men’s nips and tits and full moons galore. The Crisis photo booth is a vortex of VKs and full frontal ridiculousness. Get excited for that Thursday morning Facebook tag. Because yes you did pose for a photo… probably more than one.
5. Being hungover and eating your Chicken Joe’s at like 11 and then having to wait until 5:30 for dinner
I mean yeah… it’s in the title^
6. Missing breakfast
If you’re in catered halls you may have never even seen breakfast during a weekday. Especially if you aren’t even making your 9ams or 10ams. Breakfast is pretty good so try haul your ass out of bed and make it at least once or twice a week. It’ll save you starving until lunch.
7. Missing free pizza
There is so much free pizza in your freshers. At freshers fair and on a random Wednesday. And don’t miss those Dominoes deals that seem to run every day. Make the effort to crawl up Portland hill for some free pizza. I mean, it’s pizza.
8. Shitting where you eat
The awkward wave at dinner to your halls one-night stand. Oh and the next dinner, and the next dinner… annnnnnd the next one.
9. Buying all the recommended reading
Unless you’re doing a course like English and actually have to read a book a week, it is pretty guaranteed at least half of the course books you panic buy you will never touch.
10. Signing yourself up to a 9am seminar
With the attitude that it’s good to get it out the way and you can just chill for the rest of your day. Don’t do it. 9ams for some reason at uni are one of the most difficult scenarios you will have to face. Don’t self sacrifice yourself when you have the option. A 10am will do just fine.
11. Not taking advantage of hall ocean tickets
Never again will you have such easy access to these pieces of gold dust.
12. Thinking you can handle the shit mix
Mixing large amounts of vodka and wine just doesn’t work. It = chunder, blackout, passing out and much more bodily fluids where you might not want them.
13. Not ringing home enough
Parents, who? Maybe you won’t see them until Christmas. But at least send them a few updates you’re alive every now and again.
14. Spending a lot of money on clothes
You start using Asos as a social media app rather than an online shop. Returns are just so easy and ooo there’s a sale! And ooo student discount, I’ve saved so much! And well I do need a new outfit for Caramello. I mean, this doesn’t really change in second year.
15. Weird diet
If you live in self-catered maybe you have never cooked for yourself before. Pasta and chips is nice… I guess..? But seriously try and incorporate some veggies in your diet a couple of meals a week at least.
16. Refusing to listen to your older peers
They made the same mistakes as you. You’re not wiser than them. It’s almost as if one of them wrote a list of 20 mistakes every University of Nottingham fresher makes or something? Heh heh.
17. Binge watching
Wow who knew you would have so much spare time at uni? We all love love love a binge watch. But when you’ve refreshed Netflix for the 10th time you know it’s time to get outside. There is so much to do on Notts campus, societies to join and more. Get outside and stop hiding in your room.
18. Wearing hella clothes to class
A FRESHers outfit is a stark contrast to third and fourth years who are usually in trackies and groutfits (grey outfits). You might feel like you have to look on top form every day. But honestly, give yourself a day off.
19. Going to Hallward
Why are you here?
20. Thinking you’re too cool for Ocean
Okay it’s not where you wear your flares and rave specs but you will be singing Cotton Eye Joe by the end of third year. Embrace the cheese. But do mentally prepare for the erection section.
University is the perfect time to make mistakes. This list of 20 mistakes every University of Nottingham fresher makes are a right of passage. A lot of these mistakes involve missing out on opportunities. Get involved and make the most of your time as a fresher.