15 Mistakes Every Teesside University Fresher Makes

With freshers’ week fast approaching, you’re probably dying to move out of home and start your new life at Teesside University. However, you’ll inevitably experience some pitfalls as you begin your journey to becoming a fully fledged graduate. Here are 15 typical mistakes that every Teesside University fresher makes:
1. Spending too much money in the first few weeks
Spending too much when you first move out, is a mistake that every fresher makes! Although it is tempting to go to every event during freshers’ week and to buy all new stationery, clothing and décor for your glum dorm room, you should avoid spending too much money in the first weeks. Remember, your first student loan instalment will has to last you until the new year!
2. Mistaking someone for a Geordie
Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! Accents can be tricky to identify, and if you go to Teesside University, you’ll likely meet someone that you suspect is a Geordie. Make sure you ask where people are from, rather than making assumptions based on an accent you’re not very familiar with, as you may cause offence. Especially if you confuse a Geordie with a Maccam!
3. Drinking too much before a 9am lecture
This is a mistake that every Teesside University fresher makes, particularly during freshers week. You can guarantee that if you have a 9am lecture on a Tuesday, you’ll enjoy going to quiz night every Monday night and will end up partying into the early hours. After turning up to your early morning class with the world’s worst hangover and an overwhelming sense of regret, you’ll tell yourself it won’t happen again, but it probably will!
4. Having too many takeaways and gaining 15 pounds
Americans refer to weight gained during your first year as a student, as the ‘Freshman 15’ and put it down to cheap alcohol and fatty junk food. With so many takeaways to choose from in Middlesbrough and microwaveable meals becoming the norm in your busy schedule, don’t be surprised if you gain a few pounds as you start your journey as a Teesside University fresher!
5. Trying to park your car on campus after 8.30am
This mistake is made by every Teesside University fresher who commutes to campus. While your lecture may not start until 10am, you need to arrive early if you want to get a space in one of the nearby car parks. After 8.30am, cars queue in all directions as students wait impatiently to see if they can get parked. The ‘full’ signs are usually displayed well before 9am!
6. Forgetting your student card and getting locked out
This is a common mistake made by Teesside University freshers when they move into their new home. When living in student halls, you’re bound to get locked out of your accommodation at least once. It’s so easy to forget your student card, which grants you access to the building, when you pop out. You’ll have to bang on your flatmates window if you want to gain access!
7. Bringing everything you own with you to Uni
When you move away from home for the first time, you’ll be tempted to cram every single thing you own into the back of your parents’ car. However, you do not need to take everything to Uni with you, as it will only take up valuable space in your student box room. Instead, take the essentials, some keepsakes to remind you of home and only take clothes you know you will wear!
8. Confusing the Europa building for Olympia on your timetable
This is a common mistake every Teesside University fresher makes. For reasons unknown, the Europa building is listed on maps and timetables as the initials “OL”, so your first thought will likely be the Olympia building. However, if you head there for your seminar, you’ll quickly realise you’re in the wrong place when all you can find is sports courts and the gym!
9. Forgetting to take your headphones to the library
This has got to be one of the most annoying mistakes you can make as a Teesside University fresher. If you’re heading to the library to complete an important assignment, make sure to check that you’ve packed your headphones! Otherwise, you may have to work on the silent floor to be able to concentrate and avoid being put off by noise and distractions around you.
10. Not trying The Oriental Noodle House sooner
While most Teesside University freshers head to the more obvious Oodles Noodles on Linthorpe Road, students who have been here a while will know that there is an even better noodle house in town. Located just across from the library, The Oriental Noodle House is a busy little eatery offering a range of Chinese cuisine, popular with both students and locals. While it may be bit more expensive, the quality is worth paying for. If you haven’t tried it yet, you’re missing out!
11. Signing up for too many clubs and societies at the freshers’ fair
This is a common mistake made by Teesside University freshers during their first week. While going to Uni is your chance to try new things, you don’t need to sign up for every club and society at the freshers fair. Putting your name down at every stall will lead to spam emails and requests for costly joining fees. You only have so much free time in your week, so you should only choose a few that you are committed to attending!
12. Shrinking at least one piece of clothing when doing laundry for the first time
This is bound to happen to every fresher doing laundry on their own for the first time after leaving home. With little space in your Uni room for a clothes airer, you’ll have to use the dryers in the laundrette. One minute your clothes will be damp and the next you’ll have shrunk your favourite pair of jeans or destroyed your bra that somehow made its way into dryer!
13. Thinking you’re fit enough to climb the 10 floors of Middlesbrough Tower
This is a rookie mistake made by optimistic Teesside University freshers. A lot of students overestimate their fitness levels, particularly after a week of heavy drinking and living off junk food, and will struggle to climb the 10 floors of Middlesbrough Tower. Every Teesside student has attempted this feat once after missing the lift, but the majority won’t try it again!
14. Leaving everything to the last minute and having to pull an all-nighter
Although every student has done this at some point during their time at University, finishing an essay at 11.55pm when it is due at midnight, is not a good idea. If you get organised and plan your time effectively, you should be able to decrease your stress levels and boost your grades, by completing your assignment in advance of the deadline. This will give you time to edit your work and will give you a great sense of achievement when everyone else is still slogging away at their desk.
15. Accidentally setting off the fire alarm in halls at 2am
This is an unfortunate mistake made by almost every Teesside University freshers living in student halls. Woodlands Halls is particularly bad for this, as the sensitive fire alarms are set off by not only by smoke from burnt food, but also by steam from the showers. So, if you take a shower in the early hours, make sure you close your bathroom door and if you try to inconspicuously sneak in and make food at 2am while your housemates sleep, maybe avoid using the toaster!