20 Mistakes Every Fresher Makes

If you’re an incoming uni student then chances are you’ll be making some mistakes here and there. But don’t sweat it because there are mistakes every fresher makes!
1. Saying bye to the parents and hello to freedom.
Do not make the mistake of ditching your parents for this new university life. Trust me when you need any help at all along the way they are the ones that will be there for you to lend a helping hand.
2. Taking pointless things.
Pack wisely because this is where you’ll be living for the next few years of your life. Do not pack unnecessary things like 4 of the same top and don’t think you need to take every little thing from your bedroom, it is very likely your dorm room will be a lot smaller than your own bedroom so be reasonable with what you decide to take.
3. Buying everything on your reading list brand new.
You can find decent used copies at half the price and there are many students willing to lend you the copy they don’t need anymore.
4.Lying about who you are.
This may be the place to reinvent yourself but be true to yourself. Make sure you’re honest about who you are and what you like. It isn’t high school, don’t be afraid of people not accepting you. You can be your true self.
5. Hiding away.
Don’t be afraid to make new friends and to step out and say hello. It is nerve-wracking but you’ll be so relieved when you finally do meet everyone and get to know them. The truth is I bet they’re all just as nervous as you are.
6. Going to every fresher’s event and ending up with a serious case of fresher’s flu.
Seriously. Don’t let this happen to you. This is one of the biggest mistakes every fresher makes.
7. Signing up for everything.
Don’t overdo it and fill your calendar with so much that you can’t get anything done. Start with what you enjoy and see how it goes.
8. Upsetting the neighbours.
A big mistake to make is upsetting your neighbours straight away, you want to be on their good side not their bad side.
9. Not backing up your work.
Save it and then save it again. Then save it on your email and google drive if you have to. Don’t take any risks.
10. Sleeping through lectures.
Simply put, it is better to stay awake listen to it all and take the notes you need to take there and then. Trust us, this is a mistake every fresher makes.
11. Never budgeting.
You aren’t a millionaire, even with the student loan, so be wise with how you spend your money and what you spend it on. I recommend every month putting the money you need for necessities aside and trying to save what you have left over as much as possible.
12. Leaving it too late to find a job.
Start looking as soon as possible otherwise they will all be gone. Think about it this way – nearly every student at your university will probably be looking for a job too.
13. Relying on the overdraft.
This will just lead to problems you don’t want to have with paying it all back on time. This is one of the mistakes every fresher makes.
14. Stressing on their first week.
Don’t stress yourself out and start taking it too seriously all on the first week. Take it easy, get used to the new lifestyle and routine. You’re lecturers are aware you are going to take time getting used to it so don’t think you have to be a star student straight away.
15. On the other hand not taking it seriously.
That being said do not mess around and think it’ll all be a breeze. It is still education and you have to put the work in if you want the results after. This is one of the really common mistakes every fresher makes.
16. Leaving everything until last minute.
I know you did it in school and got away with it but university is different. You chose what you wanted to study so enjoy the work that comes with it. What you learn at university is something you need to research into and enjoy learning about all the time not just when you have an assignment. Plus getting the work done when it is fresh in your mind is a lot easier.
17. Spending money too quickly.
Save and you’ll thank yourself for it later.
18. Setting off the fire alarm at crazy hours in the morning.
You may wake up peckish at 3am in the morning but that doesn’t mean you need to create a grand dish that you have never made before and test out the cooker, I’m sure cereal will fill you up just as well.
19. Not admitting when you’re homesick.
It is ok to miss home, to miss your friends and family. You don’t need to put up a front and act like you’re living your best life all the time. Call your family up, I bet they miss you too (even if it has only been a week).
20. Not appreciating it all.
Lastly make the most out of the whole experience. It will go by quickly and you will look back and wish you’d savoured it all more.
What do you think are some mistakes every fresher makes? Tell us in the comments!
Featured Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-wearing-blue-jacket-sitting-on-chair-near-table-reading-books-1326947/

A 19 year old blogger, traveler and student. An avid reader, explorer and tea drinker!