Freshers is a magnificent time. You meet your best friends, and you get to know the city you’ll soon call home. But, there are many things you wish you never did or said. Have a laugh and look through these 20 mistakes every fresher at Napier University makes. How many apply to you?
Are you even here? You’d have been as well staying in your bed, because no information will settle with you today. Those last 4 tequila slammers seemed like a good idea at the time.
You left your assignment to the very last minute, so your email hits your lecturer’s inbox just before midnight. You’re not hiding your incompetence very well, but everyone sends at least one of these emails over their time at uni. You may as well get it out of the way in freshman year.
What even is the dress code for a Napier University entrance interview? You’ll either be remembered for wearing a plaid shirt and blue jeans, or for wearing the only three-piece suit you own – bow tie included. The interviewees who also get accepted will remember you on the first day and never let you live it down. That’s the price you pay for style huh.
Turns out Sarah is a gossip. Now everyone knows you got with Jason last night. Something you wanted to forget and never think about, but that’s ok Sarah, you tell everyone in our friend group xxxx
But what do you actually spend it on? Where does it disappear to? Oh yeah:
A big, big mistake. The gut-wrenching taste will line your lips for days after your hangover ends. True stuff of nightmares.
You have to see them every single day now. The kiss wasn’t even that good. You’ll be shaking off the embarrassment for the next four years I’m afraid.
Whispering the embarrassed “oap, sorry, wrong class” is something all freshmen at Napier are familiar with.
How embarrassing. You pack up your things as quietly as possible and never return to that floor again.
This doesn’t always go to plan. Every fresher from Napier is always drunk on a night out, so getting to their own bed is the number one priority. If you’re asleep in the streets, then at least you’re getting some rest. Worry about the repercussions tomorrow.
Not true.
That person who got too drunk at the student mixer. That person who hasn’t been to class once. That person who said something risky in a class discussion and hasn’t lived it down. That person who never works hard on group projects. That person who is on the register but never in class. That person who always wants to be in charge.
We all were (are?) at least one of those people.
It gets embarrassing because the staff begins to recognise you, which means they know everything you did that you forgot about. Your sanity lies in someone else’s hands, and that ain’t fun.
Note to all freshers at Edinburgh Napier University: do not eat it! Whatever it is, do not eat it!
The canteen lasagne tastes like cheese flavoured jelly, with a hint of tomato powder. You shouldn’t have bothered.
Many very sweaty people lurk through the dance rooms in Hive.
Why not? Why not? I’ll tell you why not! Student nights are £5 entry and normal nights are £8. Many very sweaty spice boys lurk through the dance rooms in Why Not too.
The Kilby, you’ll come to realise, is a social hub at Napier University. No one gets work done in there, because every woman and her dug is in there.
This is definitely a mistake every underage fresher at Napier has made. That wee card may have worked in your hometown, but in the big city, those dates you edited with black nail polish ain’t going to fool anyone.
These people at Napier University are smart, and they talk about things you’ll never understand. In other words, these folk makes for a really boring night out. Just because bars are involved doesn’t always mean the night out will be a hit.
You’re a struggling student for god’s sake – struggling students don’t do brunch! I don’t know who you think you are, but take that week-old curry out the freezer and get chomping.
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