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8 Mardi Gras Cake Recipes That Are Extremely Tasty

8 Mardi Gras Cake Recipes That Are Extremely Tasty

Mardi gras is here, and what better way to celebrate it than trying some new recipes? These organic and healthy alternatives to heavy and sugary Mardi gras cakes will keep you full and invigorated. This season, ooze alternative flours, ginger, chia seeds, and a little bit of exotism. Try these tasty and incredibly easy to digest cakes!

Here are 8 easy and healthy recipes of Mardi gras cakes.

1. Soft Gluten Free French Crepes (2/3 pers.)

Every product has its gluten free version – French crepes too. Tasty and delicious, these alternative crepes are delightful!


Method :

Just mix together 25 gr of corn starch and 75 gr of rice and chestnut flour.
Add a pinch of salt and baking soda and 2 teaspoons of coconut sugar paste. Then, add exactly in that order and keep mixing: 2 spoons of vegetal oil, 2 eggs and 20 cl vegetal milk and some vanilla extract.
Heat up a frying pan with some oil. Add 3/4 of a ladle to the frying pan and fry the mixture for 1 min on each side.
Extra tip : add some figs or other fruit to the crepes.

2. Easy Banana Crepes (1 pers.)

These banana based crepes are a healthy alternative to heavy traditional cakes. Very easily prepared, you will be surprised by its taste and texture.



In a large bowl, mash half a banana with a fork and add 1 egg, 1 spoon of buckwheat flakes, 1 spoon of oat flakes, 1 spoon of almond paste, baking soda and some vanilla extract.
Heat up the frying pan with coconut oil.
Spill the mixture in 4 little piles.
Cook 1 min on each side.
When ready, add nuts and some chocolate hazelnut paste, such as organic Nocciolata, or some dark melted chocolate.

3. Caramelized Apples Crepes        (4 pers.)

To prepare these fruity crepes, you will need to prepare the paste before caramelising the apples.



So, split 1/2 of a vanilla bean, and in a salad bowl, sift 200 gr of rice flour and 50 gr of chestnut flour.
Add the vanilla, 4 spoons of peanut oil and 2 spoon of sugar.
Add 60 cl of soy milk. You should end up with a smooth paste.
In a heated frying pan, cook the mixture for 2 min on each side.
Separately, peel 3 apples, and cut them into thin slices.
Heat up 100 gr of sugar with 1 spoon of peanut oil in the frying pan, and add the apples. Add 10 cl of water and let the apples caramelise until water evaporates.
For the dressing: put the apples in the middle of the crepes, and add the remaining caramel. Extra tip : add some flaked almonds on top!


4. Chocolate Crepe Rolls (2 pers.)

These chocolate rolls remind you of makis, a Japanese dish.
The recipe is divided into 3 steps: the filling, the fudge and the chocolate crepes.


To prepare the filing, you need to mix 2 teaspoons of brown sugar with 2 mashes ripe bananas. Add 1/4 teaspoon of agar agar, and bring the mixture to boiling point. Cook for 3 mins, and put aside.
Separately, prepare the fudge. So, to do that, cook in one pan 100 gr of sugar, and in another pan, 10 cl of milk. When sugar becomes amberish, add slowly the milk to the sugar and mix. Let the mixture melt, and bring it to boiling point.
You can prepare the chocolate crepe following the recipe you know, but we found this alternative for you. To prepare the mixture, just mix the following ingredients :
95 gr of flour, 20 gr of cocoa powder, 20 gr of sugar, 25 cl of whole milk, 2 eggs, 6 cl of blond beer and 30 gr of melted butter (for the frying pan).
The final step: fill the crepes with the banana filing, and serve with the fudge.


5. Vegan Pancakes (4-6 pers.)

These delicious vegan pancakes are absolutely to die for! Chia seeds are known to strengthen the immune system. They contain calcium and have anti-inflammatory vertues.


Just mix 2 tablespoons of chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water. Put the mixture aside for 10 mins. Then, take a large salad bowl and mix the chia seeds mixture, 200 gr of flour, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 2 tablespoon of sugar. Mix and pour in 45 cl of coconut cream. Mix. Prepare the frying pan, and cook the crepes 2 min on each side. Add some maple syrup.


6. Mango And Matcha Tea Crepes (4/5 pers.)

Probably, the most exotic recipe on the list, these crepes will surprise you by their taste and their colour.

See Also
Vegetarian recipes are essential when you're trying to reduce your meat intake and save some money. Have a look at some great recipes here.



In a large salad bowl, slowly mix 200gr of flour, 50 gr of cornstarch, 80 gr of cane sugar, 1 pinch of salt and 1 tablespoon of Matcha tea. Then, add 3 beaten eggs, 50 co of coconut milk and 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil. Prepare the frying pan, and heat over high heat. Pour the mixture, and then, reduce heat to low. Cook for 1 min on each side.
Extra tip : put thin slices of mango in the creeps and add some flaked coconut on top!

7. Lemon and Ginger Crepes (8-10 pers.)

These crepes are very healthy. Ginger stimulates the immune system, and is one of the best natural antiviral remedies. It has anti-inflammatory virtues, and eases pain.



Take a pan, and boil 50cl of milk with some fresh grated ginger. Leave it to brew for 30 min. Filter the milk, and put it aside.
In a salad bowl, mix 3 eggs, 1 tablespoon of lemon zest, 1 teaspoon of orange flower water and 25 gr of sugar.
Add 250gr of flour, 1 pinch of salt. Pour the infused milk, and mix. Leave it for 30 mins.
Prepare the frying pan, and cook the crepes for eminent on each side.


8. Maize Pancakes (3 pers.)

Great alternative to wheat, these maize based Mardi gras cakes are tasty and light. Try it with some agave syrup as its sugar content is lower.


In a salad bowl, mix 60gr of maize flour, 60 gr of rice flour, 1 teaspoon of brown sugar, 1 pinch of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Then, add 3 eggs, and mix well. Add 65 cl of cow/rice milk to the mixture, and add 1 tablespoon of melted coconut oil.
Prepare and oil the pan, and cook the mini pancakes for 1 min on each side.


Which Recipe Would You Try At home? Let Us Know In The Comments section!

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