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Make-Up Looks You Should Try Based On Your Favourite Starbucks Drink

Make-Up Looks You Should Try Based On Your Favourite Starbucks Drink

Are you looking for some reative inspo to create new make-up looks? Your favorite Starbucks drink could be the answer to all your questions!

Ordering your favourite Starbucks drink once a morning is easy, but choosing a make-up look for everyday is hard. How do you find a style that suits your tastes, is easy to master, and you won’t get bored of, day after day? Here is a list of beauty looks that will quickly become your favourite, and may even rival your all-encompassing love for coffee.


These drinks are strong, bitter, and great for vanquishing the last vestiges of sleepy-headed befuddlement. For an equally stark look, opt for a dark and sultry smoky-eye. Not only can this look be accomplished with many different easy methods and cute products, but you can also even rock the smoky eye by sleeping in yesterday’s make-up and not touching up a thing. Just grab your Americano and go.

Caramel Macchiato

This signature Starbucks drink could look good with just about any make-up look, but to really make the most of your inner caffeine diva, try a cut-crease eye look. This can be perfected with a bright or neutral colour scheme, but coordinating the colours to the caramel drizzle on top of the Macchiato is so extra it’s good.


Green Tea Frappuccino

This drink is a perfect contradiction. The pastel green hue may trick your brain into thinking it’s a healthy option, but the whipped cream on top tells another story. Pair this drink with a natural make-up look; while your face may look naturally freckled and blushed to the passers-by, there are still remnants of the minimal beauty products you’ve used to accentuate your features.

Whatever’s Seasonal

You don’t drink Starbucks for the caffeine. You want to taste the rainbow of flavours they vary from season to season. In the Autumn, you’re a PSL girl, but in Summer it’s some kind of coconut-milk mumbo-jumbo. A look that will offset the e-numbers of your drink is colouring your eyelids in bright matching colours for a seasonal make-up look.


Sometimes, simple is best. You love coffee, probably categorise your diary in different coloured sticky-notes and highlighters, and the entire world is jealous of your handwriting. Try to implement a matte base to your make-up look to keep things elegant, functional and easy. Use setting powders and foundations that don’t have a sheen to keep your face as matte as possible.



Mocha drinkers could be considered indecisive: do you want hot chocolate or coffee? And there’s the added complication unique to Starbucks of what kind of mocha to get: White, Milk, or Dark Mocha. Incorporate that indecisiveness into your make-up look by opting for bright coloured lips that vary in shade day-to-day.

White Hot Chocolate

You like classics done a little bit extra. A milk hot chocolate isn’t good enough; it has to be white chocolate. If so, try strobing your highlighter for your next make-up look. This technique will make your face just a little more glowy than normal.

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Shaken Iced Passion Tango Tea

Wowee, you love being the centre of attention. You can’t even clutch a cup of coffee like everyone else; you need a bright, hot-pink beverage so that everyone knows exactly what you are drinking, and that therefore you are better than them. Try a Glam look next time you apply make-up, so that everyone may weep tears at the beauty of your face, as well as your superior Starbucks taste.


Frothy, chocolate smothered coffee is your absolute go-to. You know what you like, and hate to settle for less. Among the various make-up looks, opt for a sun-kissed make-up one by piling on the bronzer and accentuating your features; because if you have it, you may as well flaunt it.

Ristretto Shot

You are the coffee magnate. Everyone must bow-down to your coffee knowledge. Show off your beauty know-how by sporting a perfectly winged, cat-eye. You need to show the plebeians how make-up done well looks.


Will you try these Starbuck’s inspired make-up looks? What’s your Starbucks order? Comment below.

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