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15 Major Relationship Milestones

15 Major Relationship Milestones

What relationship milestones have you reached? Have you been on a trip with your significant other? Have they met the parents? Compare your experiences with our list of 15 relationship milestones!

After spending a certain amount of time with another person you start to notice details that indicate how your relationship is going. From small acts such as opening up and becoming more comfortable around each other, to big trips and family meetings that show he’s there for the long haul. These big or small relationship milestones are key in highlighting that you and your partner have reached new levels of communication, comfort and commitment. Listed below are 15 major relationship milestones that you’d expect to experience as your relationship progresses – how many have you reached?

1. You’re no longer worried about wearing makeup around him

If you’re a girl that wears makeup daily the idea of opening up and showing your bare face can be daunting. It’s something that only close friends and family have probably seen, so showing it to your new guy can make you feel vulnerable and open to criticism. In reality, you shouldn’t worry. If a guy genuinely likes you then he won’t love you any less for wearing no makeup. If anything, it’s more likely he’ll appreciate your natural beauty. Once you realise this you’ll grow more comfortable and confident.

2. You can take a toilet break with the door open

You know that your comfort levels are maxed out when you can pee with the door open. A lot of the time he’ll be in there with you, washing his hands or brushing his teeth. In-person conversations on the toilets are no longer unusual and it’s something that just falls into place naturally.


3. The first time he pooped at your place

My boyfriend refused to drop a number two at my place for ages and would actually plan his “poop times” by doing the deed before he came over. He claimed that his shits were a monstrosity and that I’d never been able to go in my bathroom again – that didn’t deter me though. I wanted him to know that he was free to take a dump in my place. I wanted him to be comfortable enough and know that even if it stunk up my whole place, I would still love him the same.

4. Your comfort levels are maxed out

From farting in each other’s presence to drooling during nap time, your boyfriend has probably seen the worst unkempt version of you – and he still loves you. Being comfortable around each other, being yourself and letting your bodily functions be free, without fear of judgement, are true relationship milestones.

5. You start talking like each other

You know you’ve been around someone too much when you start talking like them and start using the same phrases. Odds are you won’t even notice this transition happening. One day you’ll just blurt out a certain phrase and he’ll either be immensely proud or stare at you like you’ve grown a second head – maybe even both.


6. You can read their mind

My boyfriend gets so frustrated that I can finish his pick up lines and jokes before he gets to the punchline. Reading their mind is a definite sign that you’ve spent enough time together to know their ins and outs. From the way they start off a joke to the expression on their face, you know what they’re thinking before they get the chance do anything.

7. You’ve developed weird habits around each other that n0 one else must see

After spending so much time together it’s only natural that you’ve developed inside jokes and weird habits that might seem normal to you, but completely weird to everyone else. My boyfriend and I talk to each other in a funny voice, to the point that talking normally felt weird and too serious. Sometimes that voice slips out when we’re around friends and it’s always met with questioning looks. Having a bit of weirdness between you and your partner is fun and it shows a little bit of vulnerability. You’re the only person they’ll be comfortable doing that around.

8. Meeting the parents

Does this need explaining? Introducing your partner to your parents, and him willingly meeting them shows commitment. Meeting the people who raised you means that he’s thinking long term and wants your family’s approval.


9. You’re both comfortable in your relationship

This means no more mind games and starting fights to stir up drama. Being comfortable in a relationship means you both feel secure, trust each other and have good communication. Of course, that doesn’t guarantee that everything will be smooth sailing. Any relationship will have its disagreements and fights, but what matters is that you communicate and handle it with understanding. Knowing you’re with someone that you trust, provides support and can understand your perspective makes all the difference – it takes two to make this work.

10. You can enjoy any type of “date”

In the beginning, the idea of lavish dates at fancy restaurants probably got you excited, and maybe they still do. Eating out and visiting new places with your partner can be an exciting experience and an opportunity to make new memories. But you also have no complaints about staying at home and having a lazy day where all you do is sleep, eat, and Netflix and chill. What really matters is being with your significant other, no matter the activity, because what you really enjoy is their presence and spending time with them.

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This open letter is for my mom who has been by my side my whole life and why I will never take her for granted. Check it out!


11. You’ve seen each other cry

My boyfriend’s seen me cry so many times (from a sad movie to me being overly emotional), and despite my snotty ugly crying face, he still calls me beautiful. Crying can make you feel vulnerable and it’s something you usually try to keep in, so seeing your partner cry, or vice versa, for the first time shows they’re comfortable in your presence.

12. You’ve taken care of him when he was sick or vice versa

When your partner gets sick the first reaction is worry followed by what you can do to help them. When my boyfriend’s sick I try my best to make sure that he’s comfortable and has everything he needs, when I’m sick he does the same. Looking after someone when they’re at their weakest shows how much you cherish and care about them.

13. You’ve travelled together

Going on a trip with your significant other is exciting. You get to make new memories together that are special and exclusive to you. Going on a trip with someone lets you know what kind of person they are, from how they deal with long journeys to how well they navigate in a new environment. Do they like to explore or do they like sticking to the same places? Travelling together also brings you closer, especially when you only have each other to depend on.


14. You can talk about a future together

Talking about a future together too soon into a relationship can come across as a red flag or a sign that the relationship is moving too fast. Further down the line, small talk or jokes about the future show commitment. At this point, you know that he wouldn’t mind a future with you and wants the relationship to be long term. If you reciprocate those feelings then even better.

15. He’s become your best friend

After spending so much time with your partner, you end up learning so much about him, from his ideologies and interests to his sense of humour. You’re also comfortable and trust your boyfriend enough to confide in him. He’s the person you want to try so many new things with, but he’s also the person you can talk with and open your heart to. He’s still your lover but at the end of the day, you’re happy that you can consider him a best friend.

Have you reached any of these relationship milestones? What other milestones show that you’ve gotten closer to your partner? Let us know in the comments below!

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