
10 Lunch Ideas That Are Totally To Die For

Lunch is a deeply underrated mealtime. Brunch gets all the hype but it is virtually the same thing. You can eat lunch out, pack it in a little box or cook something delicious up from home. You can not have a packed brunch or a packed dinner. Lunch is versatile. So in honour of the best meal of the day here are some lunch ideas, old and new, for you to enjoy.

1. Toasties

These are a classic. You cannot dispute that toasties are the ultimate lunch food. Ham and cheese. Cheese and Tomatoes. Mushroom and Stilton. Brie and Cranberry. The toastie possibilities are endless and they are pretty much good all year round. You can find a toastie in almost every cafe in England and if you get yourself a George Foreman you can make your own. Served with a side salad or some crisps and you have a delicious lunch.

2. Sticks and Dips

For those of you who prefer lighter lunch ideas, there is always sticks and dips. When I say sticks I mean carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, celery sticks, breadsticks and maybe even some pittas (these don’t have to be in stick formation but it can’t hurt). With a dip like houmous, you have a light lunch that is tasty and nutritional.

3. Filled Croissants

Got leftover croissants for breakfast? Fear not there will be no waste. You can fill a croissant with almost anything and it is delicious. Toast it and it is even more so. You can fill it with nice deli meats and cheeses or if like me you are on a student budget, jam.

4. Wraps

Wraps, for when a sandwich is just too much to bear. I love a good wrap and most supermarket meal deals have yummy ones – the duck hoisin ones are my favourite. If you want you could make one from scratch, but who’s got the time these days?

5. Pasta Salads

Pasta salads are so handy if you have cooked too much pasta and do not want it to go to waste. Or if you want a healthy lunch that is also going to fill you up until dinner time. There are endless variations you can create for yourselves or that you can buy.

6. Sunday Roast

A Sunday lunch. What better lunch than a Sunday roast. Obviously, this is not something you can whip up and take to work with you but it can be a nice treat on a weekend and most pubs will serve Sunday lunch. And if you make one up at home and have leftovers you can make the next days lunch from those.

7. Fish and Chips

When I think about going to a pub for some lunch I always fancy fish and chips. It is so classicly British and so greasy and delicious. We can’t all be health queens all the time and sometimes we deserve some chips and a nice bit of battered cod, maybe some mushy peas.

See Also

8. Sandwiches

Sometimes you can go wrong with a classic and a sandwich is the most classic of lunch ideas. Carbs, meat, and vegetables: all the essentials rolled up in one. You can have the filling of your choice and they take seconds to make. Sandwiches are great if you are after a quick packed lunch or loads of delis and cafes do amazing gourmet sandwiches.

9. Avocado on Toast

Avocado on toast is a versatile dish and one of the easiest lunch ideas to make yourself. It is perfect for breakfast *brunch* and lunch. Most hipster cafes will do some variation on avocado on toast as it is considered pretty healthy and frankly delicious. It is also a dish that can easily be vegan so long as you do not butter the toast and who needs butter when you have avocado.

10. Stir Fry

You can beat anything with noodles in. With stir fries, you have all the essentials: meat, veg, sauce, and noodly goodness. Stir fries are handy lunch ideas if you are a student because you can cook a large portion and have some for dinner and put another portion in a Tupperware for lunch the next day. Plus you can put whatever you fancy into a stir fry, the world is your oyster (although I’m not sure they would go too well in a stir fry).

Have you tried any of these lunch ideas? If you have easy packed lunch ideas or tasty lunch ideas let us know in the comments section below, share the lunch love.

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Shelby Gibbs

Shelby Gibbs is an English Literature and Publishing student at Bath Spa University. Her hobbies include writing, baking and being absurdly organised. You can find her on twitter @shelby1999 and on Instagram @shelbypublishing. Any writing queries please DM me on either of these platforms.

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