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7 Lovely Host Or Hostess Gifts For Under £15

7 Lovely Host Or Hostess Gifts For Under £15

Hosting Parties is Fun, Getting presents is too. It doesn't have to cost a fortune to bring something along!So here's some cute host or hostess gifts ideas!

It’s always nice to bring something along when you’ve been invited for dinner or a movie night. A bottle of wine is a safe choice, but it often ends up empty before the evening is over.. Sometimes it’s nice to gift something the host can actually enjoy after the guests have left and they’re in need of some me-time. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money and you can see it as a chance to help decorate their home. Plus if you bring nice gifts chances are they’ll bring you one in return next time Here are 7 Host or Hostess Gifts for under £15 to help you out. 

Sweatpants/PJ bottoms 

Your friend just put together a dinner or a party, so you’re going to want to gift them something that requires minimal effort. Nobody wants to pogo-stick after a long night of hosting. Get your friend some soft and snug sweatpants or PJ bottoms and they’ll love you forever. Chances are your gift will come in handy the second the door closes behind you. 

Asos has a lot of cozy ones on offer for around £12 each! You could also drop by Primark and get them something fun, if they don’t mind Disney or Harry Potter themed ones that is. 


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Venus Fly Trap 

When you give someone flowers you are giving them responsibility. Your friend probably has enough of that already so gift them something low maintenance that they don’t have to constantly worry about killing. Succulents are always a good idea, but why not gift them something extra fun and special like a meat-eating plant? 


Venus flytraps are relatively easy to get a hold of and cost about £11. They’re funny-looking and it’s oddly satisfying to watch them open and close. If you have some extra money to spare you can get them a stylish pot to go with.

Treat-filled Mug  

Everyone loves a good mug, especially if it comes filled with treats. Buy a cheap one from Tesco and write something odd on it with a permanent marker or get them a pretty Anthropology mug. With whatever money you have left, fill the mug with a treat of your choice. Perhaps some chocolate, sweets or small, rolled up photos of yourself? 

How about one of these Anthropology mugs with their animal of choice on? You could also be smart and get your favorite animal instead, that way you’ll have an excuse to visit again.


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Fun Coffee-table book 

Urban Outfitter has a lot of books to choose from, offering titles like ‘Lessons I learned from my Cat’, ‘How to Adult’ and ‘Feminist Cross Stitch’. And they work perfectly as host or hostess gifts! Get the hosts a funny book with awkward photos or teach them how to Spark joy with Marie Kondo, the options are endless. 


If you want to be extra cheap you could always grab them one from the Sales hamper. As long as you peel the sticker off, no one will ever know.

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Ah, self-care, everyone’s favorite hobby! Spoil them by gifting a clever collection of face-masks, eye-masks, foot-masks or elbow-masks. If they have a bathtub you can get them one of those obnoxious Glitter bath bombs from Lush or some fun bubble stuff. 

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You can even get creepy full-face sheet masks so they can look feel luxurious and look like a serial killer, all for the price of one. 


A Gift-Card to the Cinema  

A relaxing gift they can look forward to and save for a rainy day. Find out whatever cinema is closest to them and get them a gift card. Most cinemas offer gift-cards without set amounts so you can choose exactly how much you wanna spend and buy it online if you’re too lazy to go in person.

This can also be a passive-aggressive way of telling them to go see that movie you’ve been talking about for ages. If you want to be extra kind, leave them a few pounds extra for popcorn.

Something Completely Useless and Fun 

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve thought ‘Oh, I could really use the worlds tiniest vacuum’? Didn’t think so. Still, it’s available out there, for the neat sum of £12 from Urban Outfitters. If that doesn’t feel right, the worlds tiniest microscope is also on offer. It really would be a shame to leave it. 


Give your host a gift they can show friends at later dinner parties and go: ‘Look at this weird thing I have! It has no use, but I keep it out of love’. 

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Ever received any strange host or hostess gifts? Let us know in the comments!

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