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The Reality Of Having A Long Distance Relationship With Your Best Friend

The Reality Of Having A Long Distance Relationship With Your Best Friend

The Reality Of Having A Long Distance Relationship With Your Best Friend

We all know long distance relationships are hard work. Long distant relationships with your best friend are even harder to maintain. We all have that one close friend who went to a different university, works in a different city or even abroad. You still maintain the relationships through Skype calls, WhatsApp messages or meme exchange, but you would give anything to have them next to you. Being in this kind of relationship takes certain tolls on and tests the strength of your bond with your best friend. It can be tired but at the end is worth it since the distance makes you grow fonder and, no matter how cheesy it sounds, your best friend will be always for there for you. If you have a long distance relationship with your best friend these are some of the realities you are familiar with.

Not Being Able To Talk When You Need It The Most

It can be the latest gossip of someone you know, a funny meme, a TV show, somebody you fancy or just anything. Conflicting schedules and different time zones make it hard to share stuff with your gal pal when you need it the most, and you will like you are a time bomb about to burst out. When you do manage to get in touch though, what follows is hours and hours of charged and fulfilling conversations. Even though you are in a long distance relationship with your best friend, when you do talk you pick them conversation right back up- and that’s what makes all the distance worth it.

Doubting Your Bond

Sometimes you see them on Instagram with that other friend you have in common or just anyone else and you find yourself thinking if you are being replaced. Or when things are though and communication is even harder, you wonder whether your friendship will survive the distance. But at the end of the day, you know you two wouldn’t share the same things with anyone else.


You Don’t Know What To Do During Birthdays

There is not much you can do when you’re miles away, is it? You debate about the better way to show you care but an e-card, video, collage or even a present sent by mail doesn’t seem like good enough. Then, when it is your birthday you are always imagining how things would be much better whit your bestie right next to you.

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When You Get Together It’s The Absolute Best

You make the most of your time together; whether is a planned holiday or just being lazy and doing nothing, you make it worth it. You remember what makes your friendship so special and you can’t wait to share such moments the next time you see each other. Long distance relationships with your best friend make reuniting that much more special!


How do you maintain your long distance relationship with your best friend? Let us know in the comments below!

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