Long Distance Relationship Advice Every Couple Needs

Being in a long distance relationship can be hard. Here is some long distance relationship advice and tips that every couple needs to hear!

Long-Distance. These two words together are often met with scoffs, scepticism and downright bewilderment. Back in the days of telegrams and love-letters, long-distance was the only thing. But in today’s generation, time is of the essence, along with who can swipe the fastest and get the most matches. Being in a long-distance relationship often creates an awkward lull in conversation when other people ask, in that how can one person live far away from their other half and not go insane, or worse, go home with someone else? This isn’t always the case of course, and long-distance relationships, while they may suck at times, are worth all the wait in the end. Here’s some long distance relationship advice for you and your boo who either lives either in another county or in another country!

1. Always stay texting.

Whatsapp and Messenger are pinging with constant gifs, emojis and sappy quotes, suggestive or otherwise of course…the convos literally never end, except a brief gap when he tells you that he has to poop.

2. Taggity tag tag tag.

The constant entertainment of roasting your other half on Facebook. Personally, I can’t think of anything better to do, especially in videos of things that are on fire with the caption ‘when yo gurl mad/hungry’. But of course, tagging your boo in romantic videos saying how your star signs are aligned and puppies doing silly things are very important too.


3. Take fine photography.

Photos are very important, ‘cos after a long day all you want is to see their beautiful face, and their smile just melts all the stress away and you feel all fuzzy. Morning photos are the best though, as their eyes aren’t even open properly, but they’re still smiling, and you’re happy waking up just seeing it.

4. Facetime often.

Gone are the days when you spend a solid hour using 47 make-up products for an au-natural no makeup look, along with half a tin of hairspray for late night bed-head. Now they’re lucky you don’t turn off the lights completely so they can see some part of your pulled back hair and face-mask, along with various dots of zit cream. And yet there is absolutely no shame, ‘cos ya love them.



5. Have nighttime chats.

Coinciding with Facetime, late night chats are the best way to unwind after yet another terrible day. You can rant, bitch, cry and laugh hysterically about a meme you saw, and they are there to enjoy it all with you. Late night chats are also great for giving you all the fuzzy feels before you head to sleep.

6. Have morning chats.

Depending on work schedules and time zones, sometimes the early morning can be the only time for a quick check in and chatter about what you’re going to do for the day. Having the chats early in the morning, even if it’s only for 5 minutes is the first bit of love and support that gets you ready to face the world.

7. You will constantly face little reminders.

You’re out walking and you see someone wearing the same jumper, or you see their favourite food, or hear the tune you both dance to. These can be both a blessing and a curse, in that it reminds you of your boo, but also reminds you that you miss your boo so ducking much.


8. Keep it old school.

In the ever-moving digital world, buying CDs seems retro, while burning music to CDs yourself seems absolutely archaic. But nothing speaks effort and old-fashioned romance more than a mixed CD of songs that you both love, and also songs that remind you of them. Like anything, if in doubt, go old-school.

9. Collect presents.

Seeing as it’s a little while between visits, little bits and bobs often get accumulated along the way, including key-rings, little teddies, their favourite chocolate, ANYTHING FOR BABE.

10. Constantly plan your next visits.

You’ve got the Dublin Coach and Ryanair apps downloaded, along with the special offer alerts on a daily basis. Spontaneity is not often applicable to this situation, but it’s funny to tell your boo that you missed your bus or flight and that you’re not coming, and then landing at their door.

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11. Deal with the scepticism of in-laws.

When you first told your parents of having a boo in a foreign land, they humoured you, asking when the wedding is. But after two years still together, it seems that they might actually have to take y’all seriously.

12. Cuddle for days.

Who needs money when you can get cuddles? Visits are sporadic so there’s a lot of making up to do, usually involving a day of not leaving the house, cuddling on the couch, and sharing a massive pizza while judging people on MTV.


13. Go against the grain.

Because long-distance relationships aren’t typically normal, you’d often find that you spend a lot more time with your boo doing stuff that couples who live close by wouldn’t necessarily do, like going to the gym together, or nights out together. Because there’s a limit of time, every minute doing all of these things counts.

14. Take little adventures.

This coincides with going to the gym and nights out. Doing everyday stuff like even going to the shops to get something to make for dinner is an adventure in itself, and also normalises time while you’re both together. When going food shopping together is fun, you know you’ve got a good egg.

15. If it’s meant to be…

Of course, sometimes being in long-distance relationships can be very hard, let’s be realistic in saying that. And it isn’t for everyone, but doing the little things like checking in after a day of work or college, even what biscuits you’re eating with your tea, are all so very important. The little things count even more because it helps your partner to feel like a part of your day, and making sure your partner is secure is the priority, no matter what. And what is amazing about being in a long-distance relationship is knowing that if you’re both willing to put in the effort in love, then you know that this is a relationship that will not just go the distance for now, but for life.

Do you have any more long distance relationship advice for your fellow long-distance friends? Share in the comments!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com