Categories: Health

5 Little Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health Daily

Let’s all be truthful we are all guilty of neglecting our mental health. It’s difficult to remember to take time for ourselves in our busy schedules. Between work, studying, hobbies, the gym and social responsibilities it seems like there isn’t enough time in the day. Yet, its very important to take time for yourself and to not let things build up. Otherwise, you’ll be snappy and downright down. In order to keep yourself cheery; here are 5 little things you can do to improve your mental health daily.

1. Start with Meditation

In the modern world, it is hard to remember what silence sounds like. Between phones, white noise and chatter it is difficult to find time to be alone with your thoughts. This can be detrimental to your mental health, as you aren’t getting time to process; which leads to a build-up of emotion. The best way to combat this is to get up early and meditate, even if it’s only for a short time. 10 -15 minutes is more than enough. People who are avid meditators tend to be less stressed out than people who don’t. The great thing about meditation is that anyone can do it! Whether you’re a career woman or a stay at home mum, the benefits are endless. The experts say the best time to meditate is early morning, as your mind is clear and isn’t fully alert yet. Furthermore, meditation releases endorphins which make us happier and give you more energy. Therefore, by starting your day taking some time out it lets you manage your thoughts in a healthy way.

2. Live in the moment

Smartphones have made everything easier for us. I won’t get lost in a foreign country thanks to google maps and If I am in trouble my location could be tracked. However, everyone has become a novice photographer or videographer. If its considered Instagram worthy, its snapped. If you’re at a gig – instead of watching the artist sing- people watch through their phones. It’s like we are scared we’ll forget the moment if we don’t press record but by doing this we don’t give ourselves time to enjoy the instance anyway. One of the best ways to improve your mental health is to live in the moment. Treat everyday as a new day that could hold countless possibilities. By doing this you are sending out positive vibes and will be rewarded with further positivity.

3. Turn off your Socials

When possible, give yourself a break from your social media accounts. Social media has been proven to have a terrible effect on mental health. People are constantly comparing their lives to others, subject to unkind comments and constant messaging. This causes an overwhelming effect on the brain as people can contact you at any time of the day. Whether this be in a nice way or to be cruel. Therefore, it is important to give yourself time to be alone, to relax. So make a pledge with yourself; give a timeslot where you will turn off notifications and will not access your socials. This will give you back your sense of freedom and make you remember you aren’t shackled to your phone.

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4. Get some exercise

Exercise has many positive effects on the body. Not only do you see a physical transformation, but you also get a mental one. As we are all aware, when we feel more confident in our appearance, we tend to be happier and more confident. Exercising releases dopamine –also known as the happy hormone – which ultimately improves your mental health. Even after you are finished exercising. Exercise also tires you out which makes sure you get your 8 hours of undisturbed sleep. Furthermore, by improving your fitness you also add years onto your life and improve your sex life.

5. Read More

Unfortunately, due to our time schedules reading for pleasure has fallen substantially. Reading helps expand your mind, makes you more knowledgeable and improves your self-esteem. Through, reading you get to spend time in a world that isn’t your own. This has been proven to improve mental health as it reduces anxiety and stress. By spending time imagining the worlds the author has created, you are using your creativity. This is a skill that many of us underutilise in our desk jobs, so its important to work this muscle. By reading before bed you are slowly letting the brain shut off. This is healthier than reading through social feeds before bed, as the harsh light of the phone makes it difficult for the brain to wind down.

Ultimately, these are just ideas to help you deal with the stresses of daily life. Do you have any tricks that you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments!

Featured Image Source:
Koreen Low

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