10 Lip Injection Pics That’ll Have You Either Loving Or Hating Them

It seems for the past few years lip injections have sort of become a trend, and well, we all know someone, if not ourselves, who has had it done. Having lips like Kylie Jenner sure is (for some) a good look, but what happens when people take it too far? If Pete Burns’ lips are your thang, then you go for it, but here are 10 lip injection pics that will get you loving or hating them.
The Jessica Rabbit pout.
Jessica Rabbit – the fictional character we all find luringly sexy, right? It seems some of us love her look that much we have taken inspiration from those luscious-lips of hers!
The bigger the better right?
Like anything we do, consume or love… we end up wanting more, more and more of it.
The sublimely subtle ‘You But Better.’
The aim – for most of us – is the ‘my lips but better’ appearance, like you’ve just eaten spicy food, or been sunbathing in the sun for a little too long… When your new lips are in balance with the rest of your features, that it when you know you’ve nailed the ‘what these are my lips?’ look.
The It Insta-Girl right now.
The girl Justin Bieber once uploaded a picture of in search to find ‘this girl’ – Cindy Wolf has now taken over our Instagram feeds, and we can see why… she is evidently strikingly beautiful, but is it because of her enhanced lips?
Our girl Michelle Keegan.
The country’s sweetheart Michelle Keegan has had a lot of speculation over her ‘enhanced lips’. Although they do look somewhat more plump than usual, they are still extremely natural looking and make her look even more radiantly stunning, we love you Mish.
The sexy vibes.
There is no denying makeup always looks better when our pout is that little bit fuller, hence why we have a tendency to over-line our lips in a darker shade or to contour the sides of our lips. But for many, that is too much hassle and will opt for lip injections instead.
Farrah Abraham’s botched lips.
Cue shocked faces… When our face doesn’t agree with lip injections I think it is time to get the hint and, well, STOP. Some of these lip injection pics though…
The 24/7 pout.
2014 was all about the pouty faces, and some of us opt for that look forever. Injection lip filler predominately into the centre of our lips gives the appearance of a forever pout.
The red lip statement.
Red lips as we all know give us the sexy-vibe, but when our lips have had the little helping hand of fullness, it, of course, looks even sexier…
Models modelling that dream pout.
A Victoria Secret model eats Kale? We do too. Meditates for two hours a day? We do too. Has beautifully luscious lips? We do too!