
10 Ways To Make Letting Go Of An Ex Who Doesn’t Want You Easier

Breakups happen and as easy as it is to catch feelings, it’s just as difficult to move on from someone who once made a significant impact on your life. Not all breakups are bad, but sometimes they can be difficult and even turn ugly. If your ex has moved on you are finding it difficult, you can find yourself in a cycle of self-doubt and loathing where all your emotions are tangled up. It can be a painful process, but there are ways to get back on top and feel like yourself again, it takes time, but they say patience is a virtue. Here are some of the ways you can make the process of letting go of an ex who doesn’t want you easier.

1) It Is What It Is

We tend to look back at the mistakes we made and start doubting the decisions we make in a relationship. We bury our head in the pillow just thinking about all the things we could have or should have done so that things would have resulted differently. Really this frame of mind is negative and it’s a toxic chain of thoughts we need to set ourselves free from. At the end of the day, it is what it is. The break up has happened and now is the time to move on. It’s painful to know that our ex has moved on to somebody else, but you have to remind yourself that you too have to move on in order to be happy. Forgetting our mistakes and leaving negative memories in the past is the first step to achieve this. This is an important lesson to remember when it comes to letting go of an ex.

2) Self Assurance

You are good enough and that’s something that you have to keep telling yourself because it’s true. When a breakup occurs we often automatically assume that the problems in a relationship stem from failing somewhere and we often blame ourselves for the way we are. It’s a simple fact in life that nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. It’s a given and nobody’s relationship is ever perfect! Sometimes relationships just don’t work out, it happens in life, so don’t blame yourself for all the negative things that happened because you will be sat wondering for a very long time whether it was all worth it or not. Just remember the things you learnt and carry that with you into your next relationship.

3) Block Them

Yes, this one might sound harsh and unnecessary if the breakup even happened on better terms, but this one will most likely help you the most to move on. If your ex has moved onto somebody else and it is all over social media, that’s really not going to make you feel better about the situation and you will find yourself torn up in jealousy and anger. This one will most certainly help you get on top if your ex is rubbing it in that they’ve found someone else because it is a way to empower yourself and show your ex that you’ve also moved on. Reducing contact with your ex will also give you much more clarity and will allow you to feel more confident in talking to other people, without the fear of your ex suddenly wanting to get involved again. This may sound dramatic, but its actually really helpful in the process of letting go of an ex!

4) Treat Yourself

It’s really important to bear in mind that when you go through a breakup, you find yourself forgetting about some of the finer things in life like going clothes shopping or buying that really nice expensive coffee you like to buy from time to time. Go out and have some fun and take your mind off that ex you want to get over. You really need some ‘me’ time and it’s important to find anything that makes us just a little happier during a breakup.

5) Connect With Friends

This one is important and can be quite a difficult step if the breakup was ugly and you find your friends divided about the situation. It’s important to note the friends devoted to you and that have stuck by you through it all. It’s important to go out and socialise during a breakup as it will help to take your mind off the situation as well as tell somebody how you are feeling instead of bottling your emotions up which is unhealthy. Your friends will be there for you and help you through the process of moving on! Don’t let your emotions get on top to the point where you block them out!

6) Watch Films

This one may seem like an obvious one, but it really does work. Supply yourself with your favourite treats like chocolate or a tub of your favourite ice cream and get Netflix at the ready. Have a TV series marathon or watch all your favourite films. This is a great distraction and is a reminder you aren’t going through a breakup alone!

7) Forgiveness

At first, you must forgive yourself and then forgive your ex. Breakups can make us bitter for months and change our mood completely. We start depleting ourselves and miss out on the good things in life. Forgiving yourself and your ex for what went wrong in the relationship is a healthy way to recognise that it was a relationship that didn’t work and that no one is in the wrong about so that any mistakes made can be left in the past where they belong!

See Also

8) Meet New People

It’s difficult at first, but throwing yourself into a new group of people will expand your horizons and will give you the opportunity to find someone new and who understands you. By finding someone new, you may also find understanding, which is a very important part about moving on. By understanding how you feel, you can start making gradual changes to feel more like yourself and get over that ex once and for all! This is so important when it comes to letting go of an ex!

9) Strong & Independent

After breaking up with somebody, we sometimes find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and alone. It takes a while to readjust being single, but there is a way to be single and not feel as alone. It takes patience, but you are bound to feel stronger as the moving on process comes to an end. By enforcing a strong and independent attitude upon yourself and accepting the person you are, you are bound to feel empowered with the strength to finally move on from your ex.

10) Embrace The Future

Forgetting your ex is the toughest step of them all because we never know how long it will actually take. Everybody is different, but the one thing that you need to remember is that the future is waiting with new adventures and new possibilities with new people. Eventually, your previous relationship will become a memory with lessons learnt and bridges burnt, but the best way forward is to remember that there is somebody else better for you! Remembering that things will always get better will definitely help you when letting go of an ex!

What do you think of these tips about letting go of an ex? Let us know in the comments below!

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Izak Hannard

A soon to be 3rd year journalism student at the University of Salford who loves music, design, photography and a good party!

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