The 10 Most Instagrammable Places In Southampton

‘Southy’, ‘Soton’, whatever you call the city, there’s never a dull moment and you certainly won’t be forgetting it soon! After three years of studying (and trying to find the golden banana) there won’t be an Instagram filter untouched or grainy Polaroid left un-uploaded to save the mems of people you’ve met and places you’ve been to, in the most millennial of traditions. Read on for the 10 most Instagrammable places in Southampton.
In a rundown of the 10 places considered most Instagrammable, we see why the South is a strong contender against its competition of bustling London and how there is no comparison to the distinct, quirky atmosphere of this city and all that it brings to create the most #omg snaps – ensuring you first degree follower stats!
1. The #harbour at #sunset.
Perhaps the most relaxing place in the city and perfect for a study break walk.
In the small section of the harbour, people work on their boats, waves come to shore, gently hitting the sides of the small boats or resting at the rocks below your feet where seaweed begins to emerge. Chimes and gulls can be heard in the distance when one of the motor engines might start up and sail out of the harbour.
Further down, benches line the walkway where cruise ships depart. At night, the reflections of the ship lights and construction sites (the real Southy aesthetics) are caught on the waves.
Who knew a seaside city without a beach could still be picturesque – Date night, anyone?!
2. Walk the Walls of Southampton.
Providing its own small tour guide to the city, you can walk the ruins and get to know how the city has changed. Go for a beer where Jane Austen used to live and see how the edge of the city which used to meet the sea, now meets the biggest shopping centre in town!
An Instagrammable adventure that shows off your newly found #cultured side!
3. Come on, The Saints!
After hearing the chants on match night, from your window in halls and seeing red and white stripes fill the town, temptation to see what it’s all about leads to St. Mary’s Stadium for a perfect Insta snap that shows who you now support by association, your proudness for the city where you study… and how mad you are about football – ‘Wait, a match is how long?!’
4. Southampton’s Parks and Green Commons.
Parks and commons are all over Southampton. This makes morning walks to uni pretty and green, and perfect for a #nature shot all year round!
Frosty trees, windy leaves or close up shots of the lilac flowers that grow along the walkway will always lead to lots of likes!
When there’s a rare chance that the sun is out, let everyone know that you and friends are chilling in the park – via Instagram, obvs!
Lots of students choose the park as a location for their fashion shoots. If it’s just for revision and upcoming exams, there are parks next to the library so you can pop back and grab some books before your study sesh, or perhaps a much needed caffeine fix in the uni café.
5. Orange Rooms – Meet, Drink, Groove!
A colour (and personal fave) with connotations of joy, sunshine and creativity. What better way to celebrate it than dedicate a whole venue?
Like Kim K’s colour block wardrobe, it always photographs well. And when it’s Big Night Out with #outrageous-ly long ques, taking a group pic in the outdoor giant deckchair is the perfect excuse to take the weight off your feet from those heels!
Rooms come complete with Tiki Décor (watch out, Mahiki!) And fish tank tables and a giant dancing polar bear that leads the way upstairs to the Off Piste alpine rooms – classic Southampton style!
6. Sprinkles Gelato – where the chairs are shaped like ice cream cones!
Always necessary after the longest midday lectures, Sprinkles is an obligatory pit-stop sugar refuel on the way to Warsash Library. And the first place in the town that anyone really knows, after the station!
Waffles, crepes and gelato have never looked so good – especially wearing that Mayfair filter.
Sprinkles is perfect for a day or night Insta post – showing off your decadent brunch or outrageous midnight snack!
7. Go with the Ebb & Flow!
This place was almost designed to be Instagrammed!
Its quirky furniture and choice of prints make you instantly feel at home. Cozy and comfy, it is the perfect place for a coffee catch-up or afternoon tea – all to be photographed first, of course.
Bring friends and laptops and find a booth for the coolest study sesh in Southy. It’s like you’re living your feed!
8. Solent Photography Studios – Behind the Scenes!
When you’re on a shoot and waiting behind the camera, there’s only one thing to do – take and upload a behind the scenes pic.
Keep everyone updated on the most current shoots you’re working on and the other talented students that you’re working with at Solent!
Get a wider audience talking by showing your planned shoots coming to life, already working in an industry standard setting – it’s always an exciting and creative moment!
9. WestQuay Shopping.
‘Student loan, who?’ We might be students but that definitely doesn’t mean we don’t want to get a new outfit for the event at Switch tonight.
Bring your best friends for the most Instagrammable of days – lunch, smoothies and stacks of bags that adorn your arms – not to mention, how good you’ll look later!
Guaranteed to get you a higher number of likes and followers then your bank balance after – eek! The Insta-post potential makes it #worthit.
10. ‘Meet You by the Clocktower.’
The place where you can see skateboarders in the day and concerts at night! The illuminating clockface makes the perfect Instagram snap!
Hidden behind it are art galleries and an oceanography museum, whilst inside Guildhall will be your favourite bands if you’re lucky! (The only reason we actually know what’s inside is because they give out free pizza at Freshers Fair, and who wouldn’t want to line up for that?!)
The Big Ben of Southampton, the Clocktower. It’s always a welcoming sight when you realise you’ve survived the walk up that hill by the train station!
Southampton is a student city, where it’s the weekend on weekdays. And the ideal time to study is when you make the most of the 24-hour part of the library’s opening times!
With the top 10 places named, it’s definitely not all that Southampton and it’s creative students have to offer for the perfect Insta post.
There’s never a dull moment in town. With the most unexpected capturings always being a possibility, so your feed will always be full – the perfect Instagrammable place! #nofilterneeded
Do you know any other amazing Insta-worthy places in Southampton? Let us know down below!
Featured image source:

"Katherine Jette Evans BA (Hons) Hair and Makeup Design London | Southampton @kjemua"