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4 Instagram Poets That You Must Check Out

4 Instagram Poets That You Must Check Out

If you love poetry and are an Instagram addict, you've come t othe right place. Here's some Instagram poets you should really follow!

Instagram poetry is a realm of Instagram that you don’t discover until you’re interested. There are hundreds of hashtags, and it’s filled with the words of young Instagram poets spilling their heart out on to an anonymous account for the world to see. Most people presume that poetry is just lots of rhyming stanzas, and it’s usually about nothing. But your English qualification isn’t an insight into how poetry is. I am slowly learning through my own English Degree that poetry is whatever i make it, your writing is yours. If academically your writing isn’t perfect, that is nothing. If your writing is something you’re proud of, and it does exactly what you wish to your readers then you’re achieving your dream. Here are 4 Instagram poets I have discovered on my own little writing journey.

1. @atticuspoetry – Atticus

Atticus is a brilliant poet that can talk to the hopeless romantic in anybody, or even the heartbroken person. Something about the way he writes reels you in, and you feel almost as if it’s just you and him and those words. Sometimes we just need the comfort of someone’s words, even when we don’t actually verbally hear them. Reading them can be just as comforting. He has two published books, and one available for pre-order which will hit our shelves in September. Book one is called a ‘Love her Wild.’ released 11th July 2017. Book two is called ‘Dark Between the Stars.’ released on 4th September 2018. Finally, book three is called ‘The Truth About Magic’ and it will be released on 10th September 2019.


2. @courtneypeppernell – Courtney Peppernell

As a lover of poetry, I tend to venture for more poets to enjoy. One day as I was scrolling through my explore page, I found Courtney Peppernell. I was unaware at this point that she, like Atticus, had published books. I continued to indulge in the snippets she posted, only to them realise those snippets were from her own published novel.

Peppernell is someone you can read in any stage of love, even if you’re not in love. You feel the pain in the heartbreak in the sad poems, and you can feel the love bursting through each space in the romantic poems. Peppernell has a knack for making you feel exactly what she feels when she’s writing them. If you’re trying to be more in touch with your emotions, try Courtney Peppernell. You will come out feeling all the emotions. Her trilogy called ‘Pillow thoughts’ is a must read that you can pick up in your local bookstores. Although Pillow thoughts three won’t be available until 5th September 2019. So buckle up, read the first two slowly and the 3rd will be here before you know it.


3. @itscarus – Chris Ferreiras

The short snippets posted by Ferreiras, are enough to fill your heart. Having a way with words is such a talent, but being able to present them so perfectly is a rare form of art. Even the presentation of each Instagram post is shown so beautifully. Each small poem put together so effortlessly, in what I can only describe as typewriter font. If you’re ready to be wowed, and shown the artistic ways of poetry. Head over to his Instagram!

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4. @perrypoetry – Perry Poetry

My favourite thing about how Perry Poetry is posted via Instagram is the small piece of art that sits beside the words. As if the flow of such an intriguing poem isn’t enough, there is a small yet mind-blowing piece of art presented as well. If you’re a sucker for romantic writing that reminds you why love is still something we do, why it’s worth to feel it, and acknowledge it when we do. Then head on over.


We spent far too much of our lives missing out on the art of the small things. I’m sure many people didn’t really love poetry and the studying of it in their school years, but the older you get you’re presented with the idea that you can read into the poetry in your own way. You just have to open your mind to the possibilities of other peoples words, and how they can impact you positively through their talents. From the help from these Instagram poets, you can get your write on and maybe one day you’ll be a part of an article like this, just under the title of; Instagram Poets.

Do you like writing? if you do, be sure to tell me about it and check out these poets on  Instagram.

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