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Instagram POC Inspirational Influencers You Should Be Following

Instagram POC Inspirational Influencers You Should Be Following

Are you all about the influencer trend? Check out these Instagram POC inspirational influencers for fashion, beauty, and lifestyle tips!

If you’re a big lover of fashion, makeup, and self-expression, Instagram is the place to thrive. However, in order to open up your world and allow for a new range of influences, it is important to widen your followings to include a varied source of people of colour (POC). There is such a wide range of POC out there talented in styling, fashion, make-up, and all the more that is a must to check out! Here is a list of some very notable inspirational influencers.

Kicki Yang Zhang (@kickiyangz)

Kicki started off as a small Youtuber from Berlin but now a more accurate word to describe her has to be an “artist”. She lives life by her own accord and does whatever makes her happiest if that isn’t inspirational I don’t know what is. If she looks familiar to you, you might recognise her as a model from ASOS as well but she is so much cooler in her personal life, you’ve got to have a look.

Vivid Wu (@vivid)

If a name like Vivid doesn’t already catch your eye (Yes, that is her actual name!) then it will now! Vivid is so many things; fashion stylist, creative director, consultant, content creator and more! It’s hard to define such a hardworking woman of her stature. As an influencer from San Francisco, Vivid’s subtle style shows well in her choices in unique pieces. Definitely an account to check if you’re looking to spice up your look- one of the more fashion-forward inspirational influencers on the list.


Chau Bui (@chaubui_)

Chau is a 22-year-old model from Vietnam that is a big advocate of self-expression. Her style varies every picture, with her continuous growth inside and out, that it’s difficult to even begin to label her. She does things her way and paves the road for other Vietnamese influencers to follow.

Cheri (@cheristyle_)

Known simply as Cheri, this South Korean influencer has gained a reputation for her unique styling choices that will never cease to surprise you. It’s no wonder that she’s a well-known stylist in Korea once you see her looks! Cheri does it chic, street, classic, and loud! Her style is boundless and full of surprises.

Pamela (@pameluft)

Although Pamela is neither a stylist nor someone who works in fashion, her style is definitely one to love. She combines thrift items, personalised clothes and just normal every day wear into cute outfits that any girl can draw inspiration from. It’s easy to head to her page to find everyday inspiration!

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Amy Lee (@amy_lee)

In terms of self-love, self-care, and personal growth, Amy Lee is your girl. Although you can watch her videos to listen to her personal introspection on life, her Instagram is definitely enough to also emanate her personality online. Amy teaches us that everyone is working it out at their own pace and there’s no rush in life, it’s not a competition, it just comes down to how you feel about yourself.

Cydnee Black (@cydbee)

Throwing in another POC Youtuber/Instagram influencer is our best pick, Cydnee Black! Cyd mainly focuses on makeup but follow her account to see her lifestyle and path to recognition as a POC influencer. She’s a must-have addition to our list for POC makeup artist. She’s cool, she’s cute, what more needs to be said, Cyd is definitely one to follow on Instagram.


Hanya Seah (@hanyaseah)

Finishing off this list with a Singaporean stylist is our fave, Hanya Seah! Hanya’s style is another one that varies from street to girly, she knows how to style all types of trends to her personality easily without looking overwhelming. Hanya makes fashion as fun as it should be and is never shy about how she wants to express herself.

Who are some of your favourite POC inspirational influencers? Let me know below!

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