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8 Instagram Pets That Will Make Your Heart Happy

8 Instagram Pets That Will Make Your Heart Happy

We spend endless hours on social media anyways so we might as well spend it on something that makes us feel good.Here's a list of Instagram pets for you!

If you’re gonna spend hours scrolling through your social media anyways, you might as well spend it on content that makes your heart happy. There are so many pets out there to choose from; famous pets, small pets, big pets, fluffy pets, stylish pets and pets with a higher income than you. This is quality content right here! Better teeth, softer skin, prolonged life span. the health benefits of filling your feed with animals are endless. Here’s a list of 8 Adorable Instagram Pets to will help brighten your day. 

Remix The Dog 

The most fashionable dog in all the land, Remix the dog lives in LA and looks like he’s about to steal your girlfriend. If dogs in outfits or dogs in eyewear are one of your guilty pleasures, this account is a must. 

There is certainly no shame in taking life advice from a dog. You’ll get better content than from a human influencer and you can avoid posts about discounted fillers or botox. If nothing else, Remix deserves a follow for his tache alone. @remixthedog


Khaleesi & Django

Khaleesi and Django are two lovely Dalmatians living life in Germany. And obviously, they quickly became famous Instagram pets. Khaleesi is the brown one and Django is the black Dalmatian. The owner takes some very high-quality photos and what is clearly professionally trained model dogs.

A third dog, @little_aussie_blue will make frequent cameos and there’s a lot of puppy Dalmatians too. This is kind of like the social media version of 101 Dalmatians so if you’re a fan of the movie you’ll love this. @khaleesi.django.dalmatian 

Arnold and Gus 

If you get extra fulfillment out of following pets with famous parents, here’s one for you! Arnold and Gus belong to actors Kimiko Glenn and Sean Grandillo, but knowing them is not essential to get enjoyment from this account.


Arnold is a mixed breed rescue pup and Gus is a Scottish Fold. They seem the best of friends and will provide you with a lot of laughter. Great advocates for pet adoption and very adorable. @arnoldandgus

A Dog Named Archie  

A Wheaton terrier living in Brooklyn, what more could you want? Follow Archie as he has fun exploring New York with his two dads. If you don’t want model dogs or fashion dogs and you’re looking for something more down to earth you should give this one a try. 

Archie doesn’t upload as frequently as one might have liked to, but whenever a new post pops up, it’s always worth the wait! @adognamedarchie


Juniper and Fig 

Instagram doesn’t just have fluffy dogs to offer. Juniper and Fig are domesticated red foxes living their best life in America. This is such an unusual and fun page filled with incredibly well-done photos. 

The account also features the occasional dog + a series of other unusual pets like chinchillas, squirrels, and reptiles. Of course, foxes shouldn’t be viewed as conventional pets. However, in this case, both foxes were born in captivity and are rescued exotics living with experienced owners. @juniperfoxx

Alfie The Alpaca 

It’s important to branch out and try to follow different pets. If you want an easy start, how about this Alpaca that looks like a giant labradoodle? Prioritize this wholesome content and you shall be rewarded.

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Alfie is not here for drama, Alfie is here only to eat flowers and be soft. A gentle creature that lives in Australia, likes to chew things and lives life exactly as he pleases. @alfie_the_alpaca_in_adelaide

Pudge The Cat 

This list wouldn’t be complete without a cat-Instagram. Cats rule the internet and sometimes they’re kind enough to let us enjoy their presence. Chances are you’re probably already following accounts like Grumpy Cat and Lil Bub, so why not add Pudge to the list?


Pudge the cat looks exactly like what you think something named Pudge would look like. Round and lovable and beautiful, a truly magnificent creature. Don’t be a heartless human and give this real-life Garfield a follow. @pudgethecat 

Mr. Pokee/ Herbie The Hedgehog  

A hedgehog that wears knitwear and goes on hikes, every hipster’s wet dream! Unfortunately Pokee, the original hedgehog of this account, recently passed away. However, in his place, a new hedgehog has appeared! His name is Herbie and provides the most excellent content. 

This is like a travel account and pet account all in one, there are pictures from forests and mountains and even in front of the Eiffel Tower. The only side-effect is that you’ll be incredibly tempted to buy your own pygmy hedgehog. @mr.pokee


Fluffy pets make the world a better place! Any Instagram pets you think should be added to this list? Let us know in the comments.

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