
5 Important Ways To Keep Fit While Studying

There never seems to be enough hours in the day to study and keep fit, especially during exam season. But exercising while studying is easier than you think. Keeping fit has endless benefits to your mental health and physical wellbeing too. Read on to become a fitness and studying pro.

1. Stand up and stretch often

There’s nothing worse than feeling lethargic and sore after sitting at your desk with your revision notes all day. Not to mention, sitting for too long can lead to all sorts of health problems.

Try standing up and stretching every hour or so to get the blood flowing. Use it as an excuse to get a cup of tea. Or go outside for a breath of fresh air.

It’s a small way to keep fit but if you incorporate it into your studying routine it will boost your energy and help you to feel less stressed throughout the day.

2. Do a midday workout with friends

Fight off the midday slump by going for a workout with your friends. Time is precious but you only need to do a thirty-minute gym class or a quick run around the block to keep fit.

If, like me, you find it hard to motivate yourself to exercise, arranging a workout with friends means you can’t back out as easily!

A midday activity boost will improve your productivity and energy for an afternoon of revision. Of course, sometimes the workload is just too much. If that happens, consider arranging a no judgement activity minute with your friends instead.

Find somewhere that doesn’t disturb other students and do a minute of star jumps to shake the stiffness out of your limbs. Do a yoga pose or two if you’re feeling adventurous. From as little as half an hour to a minute, it doesn’t take a lot to keep fit and active while studying.

3. Take a study break and go for a walk

Keep fit by scheduling an hour’s break to shake up the studying session. If it’s a nice day, consider taking a packed lunch to the park or go for a walk around the area. You might not break a sweat exactly but it will give you a chance to get a precious moment to yourself.

I can guarantee that you will return to your studies a lot more refreshed after a breather from your desk.

See Also

4. Do a YouTube fitness video

It can be hard to keep fit when gym memberships are expensive. Besides, after a day at the library, the last thing you want to do is throw on a gym kit and spend hours on a treadmill.

Stay in the comfort of your own home and designate half an hour to a fitness video on YouTube. Find a video that suits you and your level. You don’t need fancy equipment to get the endorphins going and you never have to feel guilty about missing the gym again!

5. Walk as part of your commute

Whether it’s to the library or a favourite cafe, try to squeeze in at least a twenty-minute walk as part of your commute. If you live close by or study at home, consider venturing somewhere new to get some exercise and a change of scenery.

Another way to keep fit is to take the stairs instead of the lift. If your favourite studying haunt happens to be on the twentieth floor then it might be a bit of a stretch.

Compromise by taking the lift once you’ve exhausted yourself. Make it a game by seeing if you can reach a new floor each time.

Do you have any ways to keep fit that you would like to share? Let me know in the comments below!

Featured Image Source:
Francesca Brooking

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