Important Tools To Help You Detox From Social Networks

In the society we live nowadays, we are constantly plugged in. Our phones have become our cells and we are their prisoners. This happens especially because of social networks, a drug to everybody but youths above all. We are addicted to our technological devices and most of the time with them we spend it scrolling and scrolling… Basically, doing nothing. Or, at least, nothing productive. We are constantly running out of time in life so we should learn how to use it conveniently. I remember how I used to swear every Sunday that the following week I would reduce my usage of my phone and Internet to eventually become more aware of the world around me. Every week I failed. But the promise was still there waiting for me to fulfil it because it was something I knew I really needed. I needed to detox from social networks. And you probably do too. This is my reminder to all of you to put your phone down (just after you finish reading this post ha!) and to notice how your life changes immediately. And these are some of the tools I used to finally celebrate the Monday I could check that promise off the list!
1. Turn Off Your Notifications.
We don’t really notice it but the 90% of the time we use our phone begins with checking our notifications. If there are not notifications to check, we can forget about our phones for more time than you can even imagine!
2. Use Some App To Stop Yourself From Checking Constantly
One pretty App I used during this period was Forest. You set the time and put your phone down. A beautiful tree will grow while you really use your time for something productive. If you come back, the App will warn you. You could keep on fighting or let the tree die… You would not want to do that, right? You can start from 5-15 minutes until being able to stay happily away during 2 hours. And you will have a beautiful forest on your phone!
Nonetheless, there are lots of similar apps to download for free and use for this purpose. Feel free to check them all and choose the one who alligns more with yourse
3. Read!!!
I know. So obvious. Yet so important and so taken for granted. When was the last time you really had a detox from social networks and instantly took a book because you were more interested in reading than having your phone to chat around? Aha! You’re free now. Do it! You can’t imagine how many more useful and wonderful lessons and things you will learn from a book.
4. Exercise.
No phone needed. Walk around your neighbourhood, do some yoga or hit the gym for some hot cardio. Whatever resonates with you but don’t use your phone. Let your mind wander around that goal, stay focused, visualize the benefits you will get from this 30 minutes o 1 hour… Blown-minded. You’ll be able to get back to your phone after this small but healthy sacrifice.
5. Try Something New and Do Your Favourite Thing
I am sure there is something you always wanted to try but never did… Now you’ve got time! Go to a new gym class, try exotic food you have never eaten before, serve as a volunteer in your community, go to the cinema and watch that movie you were waiting for, skydiving, roadtrips, go visit your grandparents… There are so many things we can do without technology we tend to forget about the world outside it! And above all, there is PEACE in a world offline. Try to detox from social networks for a while.
Unplug and thank me later. 😉