
I Tried The Aztec Secret Face Mask That Everyone Is Raving About

If you’ve had to deal with acne in your life, you’ve probably exhausted every spot treatment and remedy there is on the internet. With the recent hype surrounding the Aztec Secret Face Mask, I had to check it out for myself and see if it really lived up to all the raving. After a month of continued use, here’s what I have to say about it!

1. It’s definitely a cheap option

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay is readily available on Amazon or at health food stores. It comes as a dry powder that you’ll have to mix into water or apple cider vinegar (I definitely recommend the second option). Because a little goes a long way and you can get pounds of the stuff, this is definitely a super affordable option for anyone struggling with acne.

2. Beware of the smell

As mentioned, this mask works well when mixed with apple cider vinegar. You simply mix together equal parts of the dry clay with your liquid of choice and then apply it onto your face. If you’re sensitive to strong smells, this might not be the best for you because the combination of clay and apple cider truly stinks.

3. You might ruin some kitchenware

Another tip with this mask is not to use any metal bowls or utensils, as it will activate the product before you put it on your face. It might be helpful to invest in a cheap mask mixing kit so you don’t ruin the bowls and utensils you use for cooking.

4. Pay attention to your skin type

If you have quite oily skin, you can definitely use this mask for up to 20 minutes. If you have sensitive skin like me, I wouldn’t recommend going over 10 minutes with the Aztec Secret Face Mask. Whatever your skin type is, do not go over the recommended time as it is quite drying if you use it too much or for too long.

See Also

5. You will definitely see results…

After a month of using this mask, I definitely saw results. Immediately after removing the mask my skin was left quite red, but it faded quite quickly. The mask helped my breakouts heal faster, and also helped to fade hyperpigmentation left over from past spots. I also noticed that the pores on my cheeks and nose were almost invisible.

6. …But it’s not a miracle worker

Although the mask helped heal breakouts and dark spots, it didn’t seem to do much to prevent my skin from breaking out. I suffer from hormonal acne, so while the mask did do a lot to calm my pimples and prevent them from staying on my face for too long, I still had to deal with spots for a few days. I would also recommend using a moisturiser following the mask because it did dry out some areas of my face and caused breakouts due to dehydrated skin. I would still definitely recommend this mask to anyone struggling with acne!

Have you tried the Aztec Secret Face Mask that everyone is raving about? Let us know what you think in the comments!
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Rachel Abreu

Current student at University of St Andrews, Scotland. Obsessed with anything related to beauty, skin care and finding the perfect pair of jeans. Instagram: @rachelmarieabreu

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