
How To Throw The Best Family Christmas Party Ever

Once a year the worry descends upon on us all…the dreaded Christmas season. Whether you are a parent (lets be honest mother) struggling to cope with a large family or in most cases someone like myself who has to cope with big events with your family, then fear not. Here are some great tips and tricks to pull out your sleeve this Christmas in order to throw the best family Christmas party ever, getting everyone and anyone involved. Here’s how to throw the best family Christmas party:

1. Take a deep breath

This first step is crucial because before you’ve even begun you’re stressing and contemplating just cancelling xmas this year, well don’t fret anymore you just need to take a step back and look at this all from a different viewpoint. After all its once a year, you can cope with this and all you need is that little push of encouragement and some motivation to realise this can all go smoothly and not only this you can throw the best party for years to remember.  Just remember you can do this, breathing is the easy part so calm down and everything else will flow through. This is crucial for how to throw the best family Christmas party.

2. Plan like you’re Jay Gatsby having the party of a lifetime

Get yourself excited and plan the biggest event of the year with a bang! Plan like you are Jay Gatsby throwing ‘THE’ party that people will be begging o come to. The smallest planning can have the best effects for you and your family and this way everyone will have the time of their life. The finest of details for some are crucial, so nothing goes amiss and once the party is full swing the only worry you should have after all your hard work and planning should be you having a good time yourself. Make it elegant, make it loud, just make sure to plan it your way!

3. Start early enough

Don’t leave everything to the last minute and have a party disaster with the family and friends. Ask around what people need/ want and what you need to do. This is part of the previous step of planning but knowing more about organisation here is a must. Obviously there is a cut off point in how advanced you should plan, I mean this is important but also not a life or death situation. Being that one step ahead gives you that added edge of preventing future panic stations. If you don’t know how to throw the best family Christmas party, this will save you!

4. Set a theme or dress code

This is  great incentive to getting any Christmas arty started and getting people hyped about it. A simple theme or dress code can get others and not just yourself organised in their own retrospect. Which means if this is in on their mind they may make your job slightly easier by giving those little added helping hands when needed. Plus a theme just makes the whole event that more exciting as you can customise and get yourself hyped up.

5. Music and playlist action!

No party is complete without that added music playlist. So getting others suggestions such as something more modern and hip to something more delicate and soft can have an added balance to any party. The music also itself can either settle or bring out the inner youth in people, so it a great way to set the mood for any party. After all no one wants to sit in silence, that is not the away to kick start any party!

6. The most important……FOOD!!

You don’t want guest to be hungry as we all know hunger brings out the worst in people, especially if they have alcohol and there’s no food. So check about for likes, dislikes, dietary requirements as this is also just as important. So have plenty of snacks, nibbles and delicious treats dotted around so guests can thank you later and you’ll thank yourself because party planning is exhausting. You know food is how to throw the best family Christmas party.

7. Invite the right people

Why would you throw a magnificent party and only invite people who don’t get along or would cause trouble? Think carefully and assess about who you do and don’t want in your and other company. This is important to having a good evening surrounding by awesome people. This is probably the most important aspect as some parties may be adult only based or a mix of close family etc, so invitations are also a good way to get the word out to those. Di t feel bad because you ever invited that guy or that couple with children, after all its your party and you want those attending to also have a good time.

See Also


No party is complete without some added games and fun, its not just standing around chatting its best to get the guests together interacting with one another and additionally having a good time. We see various viral party game videos online so why not add some joy to your party. A party is more than family or friends gathering at this special time, it’s a time for fun, festivities and a night to remember. So pop online and have a look, buy some games (with the exception of monopoly we all know how that goes) and get planning on some brilliant times that will require a camera to capture the moment.

9. Décor is everything

Decorations really set the festive mood in place and get people having a joyous time. Its Christmas so why wouldn’t you get some tinsel of some sneaky mistletoe hanging somewhere. Its about creating a good atmosphere for you and your guests so appreciate that there may be some hard work and effort required but it will really bring out the joy and good times in people. Additionally, decorations don’t have to be experience some can also be reused from the years previous, donated and even homemade, so go wild and make the place really shine. If you have the right decor people will really know you know how to throw the best family Christmas party.

10. Have gifts for the guest

A goody bag for the guests is like a treat that’s unexpected. Although its much more suited for children’s parties, family’s love little gift exchanges as it’s a time to come together and laugh off those funny joke gifts or those serious memory making moments. There may a be a secret Santa or just some festive gifts so go round to make guests feel welcome and included in the party but also who doesn’t love receiving a little gift that was unexpected? A party will always require effort. Planning and time but in the end it will all be worth it and will have family and friends thanking you for the year ahead. And that’s how to throw the best family Christmas party.

Let us know what you think about how to throw the best family Christmas party in the comments below!
Featured Image Source:
Louise Bridges

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