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How To Show Up Fashionably Late To Uni

How To Show Up Fashionably Late To Uni

Are you almost always running late to your classes at uni? Here's how to do it with style. Check out our tips on how to show up fashionably late to uni!

You’re running late to your lecture, you’ve spent your morning getting ready and preparing yourself for the day because you can’t just turn up looking scruffy. Nope, not you because you’re a fashionista. Here is how to show up fashionably late to university.


In order to be fashionably late, it is compulsory to turn up with a coffee in your hand. It completes the entire fashionably late look. Nothing reminds me more of a morning routine to university than having a coffee in hand.

Your face should be beat

Not overly beat but beat enough to be noticeable but not to stand out like a sore thumb. Your face should compliment the outfit for the perfect fashionably late look.


The Waterfall Jacket

This jacket is lightweight and convenient for all seasons due to it’s versatility, perfect for the fashionably late look especially when you have it in a variety of different colours. This is chic and classic to add to almost any outfit that you have on.

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Bangles are another essential to add some decor when figuring out how to show up fashionably late to university. They are easy to throw on while running out the door.


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Lace-Up Heeled Boots

These boots will set your look off, you are ready to be fashionably late to uni with a slightly over-sized jumper and a pair of jeans.. You will look fabulous as you make your fashionably late entrance. These are a great accessory for how to show up fashionably late to university!

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Which of these tips are you going to copy when deciding how to show up fashionably late to uni? Let us know in the comments below!

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

Featured Image Source: weheartit.coom

