How To Save Money At Coventry University

Anyone who goes to Coventry University knows the difficulty of trying to save money when all you want to do is get on it at Kasbah. The next student loan installment is months away and your Santander overdraft is looking a little sad, what do you do? Read here to find out. Because believe it or not it is possible to save that dollar.
1. Don’t go to the local Sainsburys
Just don’t. It might only be a five-minute walk away. You might bump into the cute boy you met in JJ’s but whose number you never got, and you might feel like you’re saving time but it’s not worth it. It’s so expensive! The lines are incredibly long and the self-service machines are always broken. Better yet go to Iceland or Aldi. Even get Tescos delivered, just don’t go to Sainsbury’s.
2. Pack a homemade lunch
It’s tempting to go and buy a meal deal from the shop or pop to The Phoneix but it works out to be a lot more money. You know you’ve got that leftover chicken pasta from the night before. Bring that with you to your lecture or library sesh. It is both healthier and cheaper if you are cooking your own food and can be super fun.
3. Don’t queue jump
You’re in the line at Kasbah, it’s cold and long and probably a bit wet. You’re staring heartbreakingly through the bamboo into the smoking area wishing you were in there downing a jager-bomb. You turn your head and see the almost empty line next to you being marked by the white sign that reads “£6 queue jump”. But don’t do it. Wait it out. You’ll be in soon (if the dreaded Warwick bus doesn’t arrive first) and with the £6 you just saved that’s another two drinks.
4. Only go to JJ’s on a Tuesday
It’s cheap. Drinks are £1.60 all night. Find a red discount wristband, they’re basically everywhere. Maybe even go to Spon Gate first and then get in there. You’ll have a fun night. Plus you don’t want to kill your social standing by going any other night other than Tuesday.
5. Don’t go to Birmingham
It might be big and flashy and exciting but it’s way more expensive than Coventry. Chances are you’re going to have to pay for a taxi to the station, pay for the train and then another taxi when you’re in Birmingham. Just go out in Coventry. Quids Inn is really fun and everyone loves a quiz night.
6. Walk to the train station
It’s probably only half an hour walk away, it’s really not that far. You’ve already paid an unimaginable amount to book your train tickets halfway across the country home, you don’t want to be paying more. That £5 Uber isn’t worth it and do you really want to have to make awkward conversation with the driver? If you haven’t been persuaded yet and you really are that lazy then the number 8 and 9 bus from the town centre comes every twenty minutes and only costs a tiny £1.
7. Don’t get Deliveroo
The little blue app is staring at you from your phone screen, taunting you. You want more than anything to not leave your bed but still be able to demolish a pizza, or maybe even a Nandos. But you have to resist the urge. In the long run, your bank account and scales will be thankful for it.
Hopefully, you’ve now been inspired to stop spending unnecessary cash and enjoyed our top tips and tricks on how to save money at Coventry University.