How To Prepare To Be Naked In Front Of Your Partner For The First Time

*Cue Magic Mike stripping music*. Firstly, slowly slip your top off of both shoulders whilst maintaining eye contact with your partner as you allow it to drop to the ground. Next, flick your hair and give him a cheeky wink as you up the anti and start frantically ripping items of clothing off until you are standing there in all your naked glory. Sounds liberating and sexy right? No, wrong! The first time you strip in front of your partner it can be daunting, awkward and very unsexy as you hop around trying to get your sock off of your left foot. Not everybody is body confident and comfortable with being naked in front of their partner, so below I have prepared a list of helpful tips of how to prepare to be naked in front of your partner for the first time.
1. Tan baby tan.
Everybody feels better with a tan right? There is nothing worse than stripping to reveal an uneven or blotchy skin tone to rival Casper the friendly ghost. Have a cheeky sunbed, use a tinted moisturiser or apply fake tan- use whatever method works for you to help get a healthy, sun kissed glow and a flawless body complexion. This will allow you to feel confident in front of your partner when wondering how to prepare to be naked!
2. Dim the lights.
Okay so of course your partner wants to see your body, that is the whole point of the big reveal, but if the thought of bright lighting makes you go like a deer caught in headlights, then switch the lights down to a lower intensity. This will also help create a sexy, mysterious atmosphere to get you both in the mood. Or better still, switch the lights off completely and allow your partner to ‘see you’ for the first time using their hands instead!
3. Get active.
No woman would admit to loving every inch of their body. We all have our hang ups and our little insecurities. The key to getting undressed in front of your partner for the first time is to come to terms with, and try to target, those areas you are not satisfied with to allow you to exude confidence in front of your partner. Don’t ever feel pressured to lose weight but a little tone up won’t hurt whether that be through eating healthier or exercising a little more.
4. Dress to impress.
Bury your tattered bra with the holes in to the back of your wardrobe. Banish your knickers that have faded to an unhealthy grey to the rubbish. Invest in some new underwear to make yourself feel special, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy but have some fun with it, wear something that will reflect your personality (I have developed an unhealthy obsession with floral bralets). Or for men, whip out your lucky boxers or the ones that really accentuate what you have to offer! When wondering about how to prepare to be naked, this is one of the best tips!
5. Communicate.
Wondering how to prepare to be naked? The best way is through communication. Chances are, your partner is just as nervous to undress in front of you, as you are to dress in front of them. Express your anxieties and fears out loud. Your partner is with you for a reason, they love you and no doubt find you irresistible so they will want to make you feel at ease and to take away any pressure.
6. Prep prep prep.
Before getting with my current partner I had got a bit lazy when it came to self grooming after my ex- it got to the stage where I resembled the female version of Chewbacca! My advice would be to shave the places you feel comfortable shaving (experimenting with different shapes in your lady garden can be particularly fun) and then moisturise to leave your skin feeling silky smooth to the touch.
7. Stay in the moment.
When getting naked in front of your partner for the first time, it is important to engage with the moment. Don’t be tempted to go into your own head and overthink the situation. You need to remember what is important- the end goal of getting undressed is to reach a new level of intimacy with your partner. Keep your attention focused on them to distract yourself from what you are actually doing.
8. Remember size isn’t everything.
Women are often self-conscious about the size of their boobs, whether they are too small, too big, or whether one is bigger than the other (which is very common FYI). Whereas men might be anxious about the size of their penis (it’s a grower not a shower I was once informed). But in all honesty, it doesn’t matter. Women, the important thing to remember is that boobs are beautiful regardless of size and also very sensitive so as soon as your partner touches them, your mind will definitely begin to relax and your worries will go out the window. Men, the important thing to remember is the size of your penis doesn’t matter, but how you put it to good use!
So there you have it, a non-exhaustive list to help you prepare to be naked in front of your partner for the first time. Do you have any more tips on how to prepare to be naked? If so, answer in the comment section below.
Featured Image Source: www.

My name is Nicole Brownfield and I am 20 years old. I am studying English Literature and going into my 3rd and final year of Queen Mary University, London in September. I am currently the Editor-In-chief of my University magazine 'CUB' and my dream is to pursue a career in journalism after I graduate. I love living in London and am obsessed with sourcing out food and drink places, as well as exploring the parts of London I have never been to before. My boyfriend and I have recently turned pescatarian and this symbolises my goal to constantly keep bettering myself and to stay healthy and disciplined. Every day I try and achieve something as I want to look back and be proud of the life I have lived, and to make my family proud too.