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How To Make Your Staycation One To Remember

How To Make Your Staycation One To Remember

Can a staycation really compete with exotic locations or does it fall flat? This article hopefully highlights a staycation has its own charm.

As much as we all dream of taking off to exotic locations or trying new activities. Holidays are expensive and simply cannot be a reality for everyone. So sometimes there is nothing better than the humble staycation. With the impact of the recession of 2008 still rearing its head, a lot of families are still struggling to make ends meet. Which means they have less disposable income to play around with. Meaning us Brits have had to become more and more creative with the ways we choose to relax. A staycation doesn’t have to be dreary. It’s true, you don’t have to leave to have a good time. You simply need to be inventive.

Organisation is Key

By knowing that you are staying at home there is no excuse but to get organised for it. Do all your chores before the date of your vacation. That way you can focus on all the Rest and relaxation you will have earned over the previous year. For example, getting the garden in order before your holiday begins means you can spend the little hours enjoying your handiwork. Maybe even with a glass of wine in your hand.

Learn a new skill

Travelling is synonymous with experiencing new things. Whether that be cultures, foods or activities. Why should that stop just because your staying at home? Book a class you’ve wanted to for a while, buy a language course online or try your hand at cooking a new dish. There are plenty of things you can try at home that makes you feel like you are adventuring.


Be a tourist

This is one of the more obvious things to do on a staycation. Yet, there may be some benefits to exploring your city. You could come across a secret café you weren’t aware of, discover new artists by heading to an underground event or look around the museums exhibits you never have time for in your daily life.

Be lazy

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life we barely have a minute to ourselves. So why not spend one of your days under a duvet. Binge watch the show that everyone is raving about, eat as much as you want and stay in your P. J’s all day. Trust me nothing makes you feel more relaxed than spending a day not lifting a finger. Even better if you rained in because you won’t feel as guilty about it.

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Splurge Slightly

Vacations are usually the time where people treat themselves the most. We have all heard the ‘I’m on holiday’ excuse to do something you wouldn’t ordinarily. Why should that stop just because your budget can’t stretch to a plane ticket? Feel free to buy some treats in your weekly shop that you never would feel justified spending the money on normally. Spend the extra couple of pounds and get the nicest bottle of wine you can see. Get your favourite luxury chocolates. Treat yourself to some face masks and truly rest yourself. Trust me the next week when your back in the daily grind you won’t regret them.

Routine is banned

Its called a staycation for a reason. Yes, you are staying at home but that doesn’t mean you should act like you are. Throw that out the window and shake up your days. In fact, turn off all electronics and unplug. Checking your email is banned. The whole point of taking time out is to actually do that. Treat the family to dinner out or go on a day trip to the local bowling. Basically, do anything that you usually wouldn’t.


Yes, going on holiday to far out places does pave way for amazing experiences but the humble staycation shouldn’t be sniffed at. After all, you’ve chosen to live where you live for a reason why not spend time celebrating it?

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