
How To Find Someone On Tinder When You’re Picky AF

Tinder dating is a great idea in theory – meet interesting people in your area that you perhaps wouldn’t have met without it and maybe even fall in love. However, it just doesn’t work like that. If you’ve downloaded Tinder and already exhausted all your options, here’s how to find someone on tinder when you’re super picky!

Sure, if you are open minded it works just fine and you probably meet some great people… and the occasionally weirdo. My problem is I am horrendously picky and mainly downloaded the app as a confidence booster and boredom buster. Over time though I have managed to talk to some really nice lads and gotten myself a date or two.

Basically, if you are picky all you have to do is learn to optimise tinder so you can find people you might actually have a connection with. To do this you need to:

1) Set the age parameters to an age group you are comfortable with.

If you are 18 you probably don’t want a 30-year-old and vise versa (if you do, you have different issues to address before pickiness). It might seem obvious but if you have the right age group you are more likely to find what you are looking for.

2) Have the distance set to ten miles.

There is no point in adding distance as an excuse not to go on a date with someone so don’t bother.

3) Make sure your pictures include your hobbies and interests.

A lot of people don’t read bios but will flick through all your pictures. You are more likely to get matched with more compatible people if they see pictures of your hobbies and swipe right because of them.

See Also

Unfortunately, if you are seriously looking for love on Tinder then you are going to need to keep an open mind.

A lot of the guys on this sight are looking for a hook up but you might find a diamond in the rough. Even if you only like 4 out of 6 of their pictures maybe give them a chance.

The main thing to remember is not to sacrifice to many of your ideals just because all your mates are dating and you aren’t. It is okay to be alone and you shouldn’t force yourself into a relationship you don’t really want.

Got any more tips for how to find someone on Tinder? Let us know your story down below!
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