Uni Life

How To Disguise The Fact That You Have Been Up All Night While You’re In A Lecture

This is a situation many students find themselves in countless times throughout university, from staying up all night studying for that test, or going from the club to your lecture. Every student has been there and here are a few tricks up your sleeve for when you need to disguise it.  

1. Prep your work in advance

If you know that there is an amazing party coming up, but the following morning you have a 9am lecture, be prepared. Have your reading and work done in preparation, so if you get called upon you are aware of the topic and what everyone is doing. If you have a bag packed and everything you need – it will avoid any embarrassing moments you may have if your teacher calls you out for not being prepared.   

2. Avoid extra attention

When I was in first year, I thought it would be a good idea to drown myself with fake blood for Halloween when I had an early lecture the next morning, I couldn’t miss! I scrubbed the morning after but the fake blood wouldn’t budge, I had about 2 hours sleep and I had to walk into the lecture hall of 300 people. I slinked in early and sat at the back hoping no-one would notice my face covered in red smudges and my dead eyes. But I was practically invisible, I just wore my hoodie and appeared normal and after the lecture disappeared to my bed.  

3. Don’t slump on your desk

The person slumped over the desk during a class always garners attention and none of it positive. Don’t be that person, you will lose the respect of your teacher and surely you can handle listening for 1 hour before slumping somewhere else on campus. If you feel particularly sluggish before a lecture, drink a can of coke or red bull to give you that energy that you need to get you through.  

4. Be honest

If you are really zoned out and miss your teacher explaining something, ask your teacher to repeat what they said! If you are really tired and struggling through the class, telling your teacher you didn’t sleep or were out partying isn’t the worst thing and depending on the teacher, they may appreciate your honesty! For the teachers who won’t, make sure you have an ally who you can share notes with during the days you are struggling.  

See Also

5. Avoid class still drunk

If the alcohol still hasn’t left your system, make sure you sober yourself up! Grab a McDonalds or some food to sober yourself up before you have to go and be in the lecture. If you feel like you are going to vomit or like death, the lecture and anything you have to learn will be unbearable. Or if you can bring snacks in with you bring in some crisps or some food to help get you through it. If it’s a long day you will need food to get you through the hangover.  

6. Make sure you don’t still smell like tequila

The worst thing when you are hungover is smelling alcohol and if you are feeling like this, chances are some of your classmates will feel the same. If you dropped tequila down your jacket the night before, leave that jacket at home. Going into class smelling like last night’s alcohol could make you sick and also is just not pleasant for those who have to be around you all day. If it is unavoidable, try and disguise the smell by using something to cover up the alcohol and avoiding further embarassment.   

If you have any tips for avoiding looking like you have been up all night, comment below and share the tips with us!

Featured Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/girl-sleep-female-woman-young-1733352/
Jasmine Sweet

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