As soon as that student loan comes in we all know what you’re thinking, head straight to the shops and spend, spend, spend, get your gals together for a mega night out for shots, shots, shots, and then spend the remaining time hung over? NO, because what is university really about? Living on our own and being responsible with money – BORING! But an unfortunate part of growing up. No need to worry though, not everyone and everything is out to get you spending every last dime. Being a student is meant to be the best days of your life, which is why there are so many ways you can still have a good time without bursting the bank.
Clubs, bars, restaurants and shops LOVE students. They know that we have more money than we know and we know that these are the places that we want to spend it. Because of this, millions of food, drink and clothes outlets offer special deals -, especially for students. Some better than others I must admit. 2-4-1? Buy one, get one free? 50% off? Or even just 10%, every little helps. Take advantage of these, you won’t be able to use them when you’re not a student and using them is a good excuse to go out!!
Staying with partying and staying out late, another tip for saving money is to prioritize nights out. Birthdays? Of course. Student night? Could be tempted. Just bored? Probably not. Saving these nights for special occasions or treats for yourself means that when you do let loose, you will have more money, from not going out as often, resulting in the event being much better and more fun!! Plus, staying in with a pizza, friends and a film can be equally as fun (and cheaper).
Going to university means you can buy whatever you want when food shopping. Mama isn’t there saying ‘don’t you think you should have some veg?’ but at the same time, this doesn’t mean we can just buy crisps, biscuits, and treats. Planning what meals you will actually eat for the next week or so is a good way of making sure you a) don’t overspend, b) don’t buy things you don’t need or won’t eat and c) actually end up eating proper and tasty meals. Plus, if you make too much one night, freeze it for another night, problem solved. Budget As A Student
Not everyone is super math-y and likes to organise their lives and money but being sensible with it is definitely a good idea, you want to be able to prove your parents wrong!! Trying before you buy, prioritising, sticking to some ground rules and not being too hasty are just easy and laid back ways to ensure you don’t go off the band wagon.
Just remember to have fun for goodness sake.
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