Categories: Fashion

How The Girls Of Glee Made Us All More Fashionable

With the 10-year anniversary of the pilot of Glee airing on TV happening recently, we’ve been feeling rather nostalgic, reflecting back on the show we all loved. Throughout its six seasons and 121 episodes, Glee taught us how to be strong, how to love and how to be our authentic selves. Accompanied by an array of music genres sung perfectly, Glee became a pop culture phenomenon. However, there is one more thing Glee taught us: how to dress. Each of the Glee girls had a unique style which we could all take something from and therefore we will be looking at how the girls of Glee made us all more fashionable.

Rachel Berry

Rachel Berry showed us how to make geek chic stylish. Even though in the show she was often teased for her look she actually made preppy look sexy. Her squeaky clean style matched her perfectionist personality traits. From animal sweaters to hairbands to knee-high socks, Rachel had some iconic pieces. Rachel is almost always seen in a skirt, usually a mini skirt with pleats. She loves patterns, like tartan and showcased how to match that to her other clothing.

Mercedes Jones

Mercedes was the sassiest of all the Glee girls and that was definitely portrayed in her style. With a big voice and an even bigger personality, Mercedes was the ultimate diva and taught us the importance of the little details. Focus on bold colours and over the top, flashy chunky accessories. She had a major urban edge. And let us not forget about the legendary high tops with heels. Are they even a real thing? Who cares! If you’re going to take one thing away from the fashion of Mercedes Jones it is to be comfortable in your own skin and love yourself. We couldn’t think of a better message.

Quinn Fabray

One word to describe Quinn Fabray’s style is feminine. She always wears pastel colours and is rarely seen in darker shades, especially not bold colours. The same applies to her makeup, which is always light and natural. Quinn’s look is girly and sweet and a wardrobe made up of dresses and cardigans. She showed us that simplicity and light colours can still make you stand out and glow.

Tina Cohen-Chang

Tina’s look changed considerably over the course of Glee and, even though we loved them all, for this we’re going back to her season 1 and 2 gothic looks. Tina highlighted how cute and stylish emo can be and we love her for it. People often tried to change the way she looked, but she never gave in and stayed true to herself. Completely opposite to Quinn and Mercedes, Tina is not a big fan of neons or pastels. Instead, she’s usually in muted, darker shades, apart from her hair which is often highlighted with bright colours.

Santana Lopez

Santana’s style must have predicted the future because she was often seen in leopard and cheetah print, which is massive at the moment! Santana was Glee’s resident bad girl. Her personality was confident, a little vicious and bold, just like her fashion sense. She often wore very short and tight dresses and looked incredible when doing so. The same goes for her bustier tops. Though her clothes might not be appropriate for school nowadays, or every day casual, she definitely works as a source of inspo for a sassy, fabulous night out. A true animal print style icon who showed us how to get away with the bold print.

See Also

The Cheerios

Any fan of Glee wanted to be a Cheerio. Even though you never tended to see the group out of uniform they were still style icons. The short red skirt and high ponies had us all wanting to be a cheerleader!

If you ever watched Glee, you probably had your favourite girl and your favourite outfits, but it is undeniable that every single female lead had her own unique style.

Leave a comment below on who from the show was your style favourite!

Featured Image Source:
Milly Cooper-Britland

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