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We Are Swooning Over These Men’s Celebrity Tattoos

We Are Swooning Over These Men’s Celebrity Tattoos

These men's celebrity tattoos leave us in awe. From David Beckham to Tom Hardy to Justin Bieber, here are the hottest tattoos for men.

Tattoos have a long history within various cultures as tribal symbolism, to mark status, to identify slaves, to tell stories and express yourself and to remember that all inclusive to Magaluf with the girls #09. For some, the art of tattooing has made leaps and bounds since those found on the body of Otzi the Iceman, who landed his ink between 3370 and 3100 BC. Celebrities are now synonymous with the ancient art and the different interpretations can be staggering. There’s ink that makes you think, there’s tats that make you daft and well some of it…is just god damn sexy. Here are some of the best men’s celebrity tattoos!

David Beckham – Bird’s of Prey

You can take your pick of pretty much any of David Beckham’s 40+ tattoo’s, but his recent ‘Bird’s of Prey’ neck ink is a touch of class, from the one they call Golden Balls. We can thank David for his right foot, his smoldering eye contact and his responsibility in inspiring lads round the UK to attempt to replicate his look, from hair to tats – for better or worse. David Beckham has men’s celebrity tattoos that every celeb guy wants to pull off.

Tom Hardy – ‘Family Guy’

Tom Hardy is an incredible actor, lovable rogue and a canvas of pretty bad-boy tattoos…in that order. Ranging from traditional religious symbolism, to a leprechaun for his Irish heritage, to ‘Padro Fierco’ (meaning proud father on his right chest) and his wife’s name Charlotte on his shoulder. Tom Hardy’s tattoos are a series of personal stories, permanently etched to his body for the world to perceive. Plus it’s Tom Hardy…he could have ‘REGRET NOHING’ on the back of his knee and it would be better than you.


John Mayer – ‘Japanese Sleeve’

Say what you will about this cargo-pant-wearing-loose-tounged-lover-boy, his tattoo’s rock harder than you in the shower, sat listening to Free Fallin’ thinking about your ex. A Japanese artist named Horimitsu penned John’s sleeve through traditional methods in Japan. This tattoo is ‘tapped’ onto the skin and required a vetting process to prove his worth for the procedure. He spent nearly two months getting it ‘hammered’ which caused him to trip balls… beautiful, brilliant balls. ‘I was hallucinating…beautiful, brilliant hallucinations,’ said Mayer during an interview on Fuse. The results were pretty beautiful too Mr Mayer.

Adam Levine – Whole Body

Adam Levine, Maroon 5 frontman and professional mummy pleaser is loaded with quality ink. Levine has always had us eyes closed, quivering at the falsetto on ‘She Will be Loved’ and to be honest, his ink has the same effect. Who hasn’t imagined that right-armed tiger tat wrapped around your waist on a late-night walk home? Who hasn’t imagined that tiger holding the door open for you as you skip past, feeling nervous yet safe? Who hasn’t imagined that arm thudding and strumming away with incredible rhythm on your guitar?

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Zayn Malik – ‘Light Sabre’

Was this picture taken the last time Nial saw Zayn, poking out of his limo window, speeding into the night? Let’s hope so. Zayn Malik ditched 1D to amp up his solo career and has since emerged with various hairstyles, lots of tattoos and some music. The pinnacle of his solo efforts can be found on his middle finger, with a glow in the dark light-sabre tattoo. This is one of the more simple men’s celebrity tattoos.

Justin Bieber – Ab Ink


With religious symbolism and animals a plenty– the Biebs/J Bone/Purple Passion/Jay Bee or just straight up Jay-Bob’s rate of tattoos has exploded over the last few years. Since his ‘Son Of God’ stomach tattoo in November 2016, he’s totally covered his (quite frankly, perfect) abdominals by the hand of tattoo artist Bang Bang. For some, this may be a rare moment where Justin has let you down. Apart from the drink driving and assault charges. It’s an undeniable shame to cover up that taut a midriff with ink, but hey it’s too late now to say sorry. This is one of our favourite men’s celebrity tattoos.

One last thing…

Which of these hot men’s celebrity tattoos do you love? Let us know in the comments below!

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