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10 High Protein Breakfasts To Go When You’re In A Hurry

10 High Protein Breakfasts To Go When You’re In A Hurry

If you're looking for some breakfasts that are healthy and full of protein, check out this list of high protein breakfasts! Some are very easy to make!

A healthy lifestyle and a busy lifestyle aren’t always compatible. Picking up a pizza on the way back from uni or just having half a packet of Oreos when you get into your morning seminar is so tempting, and it means you get that extra 20 minutes in bed; that’s not a sustainable diet, however. Getting a breakfast that’s full of protein will get you energized for the day and will keep you full enough until lunchtime (the best time). Here’s a list of high protein breakfasts that are super quick to make and are super satisfying in the mornings, some of which you can even prepare the night before.

The Savoury

1. Omelette-in-a-mug

Mug-cooking is still only a fairly recent phenomenon and it’s useful for making foods other than cake. A mug omelette only takes 2 beaten eggs, a splash of milk and whatever additions like veg, or a sprinkling of cheese and a dash of pepper, and 90 seconds in the microwave. The eggs will turn out delicious and fluffy, and you can set them in the microwave to cook and cool while you finish deciding what to wear. This is also a great guilt-free snack for when it’s 3am and you’re binging on Netflix but don’t want to snack on a doughnut. This is one of the easiest high protein breakfasts to make!

2. Pumpkin Seed Sandwich

Pumpkin seeds aren’t just a reluctant alternative to crisps. Pumpkin seeds are great for lowering the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and are full of antioxidants and fibre, and are really good for the immune system. Make a pumpkin seed breakfast sandwich adding extra protein with turkey slices and some spinach and there you have a yummy breakfast to grab in the morning when you’re inevitably late for wherever you need to go.


3. Bean Breakfast Burrito

This 3 bean burrito is so much healthier than the stuff you find in Chipotle. Prep these the night before and pack them into your bag in the morning to munch on the way to your commute. Fill with eggs, black beans, pinto beans and kidney beans and this will be the morning protein boost you need.

4. Spinach Protein Smoothie

This one is a bit hardcore but if you’re brave enough, an organic egg protein smoothie in the morning will practically make you feel invincible. Blend together 2 raw organic, free range egg yolks, unsweetened yoghurt and spinach, and if using a straw to sip this on the way to uni, please make sure it’s a reusable one!

5. Ezekiel Bread Breakfast Muffin

What is Ezekiel bread you might ask? It’s basically the healthiest bread you can get, packed with soybeans, lentils, grains and absolutely no added sugar. Get some Ezekiel muffins, or just make a breakfast sandwich, and fill it chicken slices, egg, courgette and sausage and you’ll have a scrumptious breakfast that would impress any nutritionist.


6. Tuna Egg Cups

An alternative use for your cupcake tin. Whip up a mixture of tuna, eggs and cottage cheese (a great source of protein if you didn’t know!) and pour them into cupcake cases in your tin and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Pop them into a container and strap them onto your bike- breakfast sorted.

The Sweet

7. Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are soaked overnight in yoghurt or fruit juice- I prefer yoghurt- and topped with the other good bits in the morning. Chocolate chips and almonds are grand for a protein punch. These are some of the most delicious high protein breakfasts!

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8. Greek Yoghurt Pot

Chuck some greek yoghurt, banana, strawberries (or any fruits of your choice), topped with Chia seeds into an airtight container. This high-protein yoghurt is delicious, smooth and aesthetic. Just don’t forget your spoon!

9. Banana Smoothie

Peanut butter is both a little naughty and utterly magnificent. Smoothies with sweet fruits can spike up sugar levels, but peanut butter and bananas make a great protein combo. Blend them with some milk of your choice and protein powder, and you have a breakfast to shake you up and wake you up. This is definitely one of the best high protein breakfasts!

10. Nut butter and oat bars

You can combine nut butter (peanut, almond, cashew) with oats into bars, cookies or balls, as long as you get those good ingredients in. Mix together your oats, the nut butter and honey, and even chocolate chips if you feel like, and make them into whichever shapes you prefer. You can bulk make these too and save them for the rest of the week! If they become too hard, feel free to use them as frisbees and chuck them at whoever is annoying you on your commute.


There’s no excuse for not having a healthy breakfast when it takes barely any time to make! Enjoy your first meal of the day and still stick to your food regime.

Are there any other high protein breakfasts you recommend? Let us know in the comments below!

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