Transferring a few precious dollars into your bank account to buy tonight’s dinner? Dreading the day that you have to pay your rent, or living for the hour that you can finally pocket your pay? If you’ve adopted a dreadful habit of over-spending, you’ll probably appreciate these money-saving tips!
You can’t spend money without earning it! A great way to keep a steady income is by applying for a casual or part-time job. This way, you don’t have to keep stashing away those $20 notes you usually receive on your birthday or Christmas! Many establishments only accept digital resumes, but don’t let this dissuade you from handing over your beautifully designed cover sheet in person!
Finding coins and notes in your pockets often feels like a godsend. It feels like you’ve found free money! Don’t let this bad habit make you lose your spare coins! Save money by saying goodbye to cash-in-hand, and saying hello to only carrying your bank card around with you. This way, you’ll be able to keep track of how much you spend and where your money is actually going.
Storing your money somewhere other than your wallet is a great way to ensure that you aren’t always reaching for it! Why not try out a piggy-bank? You might have used one of these as a kid, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t handy. An even better idea is to buy an unaccessible jar that you can put money inside of. This means that you cannot access your money unless you break the jar open. This way, you’ll be less likely to dip into your savings over the weekends.
Dividing your income is a great way to recognise what you’re spending your money on! Whether you label physical jars or open several online bank accounts, this is an effective way to distribute your cash. This way, you won’t spend too much money on luxury spending when it’s needed for rent! You will also be able to more easily determine how much you have saved and more accurately decide when you think it’s time to splurge.
If you’re an independent student, you’ll know how much the price of groceries adds up! Save money during your next shop by paying attention to supermarket deals. Switch brands and try out cheaper food options! You might find a new product you absolutely love. Usually, there isn’t even much of a difference between home-brand and popular labels.
It’s hard to save money when you want to go shopping for new outfits all of the time! A great way to cut back on your spending is by visiting thrift shops. Here, you can find new clothes without breaking your bank. You might even find something totally unique to show off!
A great way to save money is to source used books! Textbooks are notoriously expensive. Sometimes, you don’t want to strain your eyes by reading them online. You also might just enjoy highlighting physical pages! Why not ask your friends if they have a copy you can buy from them at a discounted price? You might also find cheap, second-hand books online!
Sometimes, your classes will have a subject reader that you will need for the semester. Usually, these books are very expensive. Before you go and spend your money on these readers, check out whether your university has a downloadable copy! If you can source a PDF containing your class materials, you can pass your classes without spending a cent on the textbooks!
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