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20 Helpful Apps and Resources for Roehampton Students

20 Helpful Apps and Resources for Roehampton Students

Uni life can be hard sometimes. Well, I’ve found some resources that have helped me along the way. Here's 20 helpful resources for Roehampton students!

University life can be hard sometimes. You have assignments to keep track of, you need to stay on top of your spending, you need to get rid of the dreaded “Fresher’s 15” that just crept up, and you’d try just about anything to make your life easier. Well, luckily for you – and me – I’ve found some resources that have helped me along the way, as long as some new ones I’m going to try in the future. Here are 20 helpful resources for Roehampton students!

1. OneNote

OneNote is perfect for keeping all your lecture notes organised in the same place, since you can make a tab for each subject. Because it’s a Microsoft product, it combines features similar to those in Word and Excel. You can even use it to draw! You should receive OneNote automatically with any Windows laptop or tablet, or you can download it for free on Apple and Android.


UNiDAYS is one of the most well-known student discount apps out there. An account on the site is free and opens up discounts to places including ASOS, Just Eat, Pure Gym, O2 and many others, which you can find here. There is also an app that’s available for free on Apple and Android.


3. Seven

Seven minute workouts seem to be the hot trend right now, so if you want to jump on the bandwagon, Seven is a good place to start. Seven works on the theory that you need little more than your body weight to get fit, and encourages you to use it daily. The more you do, the more routines you unlock, so you can keep it varied. You also get a range of options in “personal trainers,” from a strict military guy to a much more relaxed hippie, so you can choose according to what you think you need at the time. Seven is available for free on Apple and Android.

4. Subject Librarians

The university library has a group of librarians, with each one specialising in at least one department. If you’re looking for the best place to start reading for an assignment, they librarians are the best people to go to. You can find out what subject librarian is best for you to contact here.

5. Roehampton Students’ Union

The RSU is probably one of the most helpful resources for Roehampton students. Apart from organising events, the RSU has officers around – both past and present students – to help you out with issues you may have, such as your coursework, gender or sexuality discrimination, or mental illness. You can find out more info here, as well as more of their extra resources in the “Support” tab.



6. Medical Centre

The medical centre is also an extremely helpful resource for Roehampton students. This is where the on-site doctors are. You can find them on Froebel College, which is alongside the counselling offices, in between Froebel Gate and Digby Square. You can register with a doctor in person or here online.


7. Unitemps

Unitemps is the job search site. Located on the bottom floor of the library, you can search for jobs on- and off-campus in surrounding areas. Just upload your CV and a couple of references, and you should be able to start searching right away. Unitemps also offers help with CVs and career advice on a drop-in basis. You can register here.


8. NUS Extra

NUS Extra is another student discount app, however this time it works through NUS. As long as you have an NUS Extra card, which you can buy here for £12 per year, you can get discounts on everything from Amazon to Odeon. You can look here to find out what kind of discounts are available.



9. The Student Room

The Student Room is a forum where you can discuss almost anything and everything from help on essays, to finding out the perfect mug cake recipe, to debating current events. The forum is geared mostly towards GCSE and A-level students, but it still has uni-specific resources and forums, such as help with understanding student finance. You need an account to post, but you can read anything here without being registered.




Stuck for something that’s simple to make but good to eat? Studentrecipes is probably your answer. They have a variety of sections, including “Healthy,” “Meals to Impress,” “Snacks,” and “Vegetarian.” Most recipes come with a rating as well, so you know which ones to trust. You can also create an account and upload your own recipes! This is definitely a helpful resource for Roehampton students who aren’t the best cooks (yet). Find them here.

11. OnTrees

OnTrees is a secure app that links your bank accounts and gives you an up-to-date look at them so you know what you’re spending. The app sorts your finances into categories like restaurants, groceries and household bills so you have a better idea of where you’re spending. OnTrees is read-only, which means you can’t move money out of your accounts through the app, which adds extra security in case your phone is ever lost or stolen. It’s currently only available for free on Apple, but there are plans to make it downloadable on Android as well.

12. Societies

Societies are actually pretty good resources, and not just for socialising! Roehampton has a few academic societies, like Philosophy and Classics, which are open to everyone. If you’re a student, you can meet other students and possibly get help where you need it in your coursework. If you’re not a student, then you can always learn something new! Other societies, like SWAN, LGBTQ or religious societies, can help with personal well-being.

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13. Evernote

Similar to OneNote, Evernote allows you to take notes and have them synced across that much less painful. The app is available for free on Apple, Android and other devices.multiple devices – two for a Basic account, more for Plus and Premium accounts. Unlike OneNote, however, you can also collaborate with other people on your notes, which makes group projects that much less painful.

14. Facebook

There are several groups for Roehampton students on Facebook. Try the Roey Black Market for textbooks or anything else you need, or the Fresher’s Chat to find out what’s going on around campus. If your course has a Facebook group, you can use that to get any answers you might need about lectures, assignments and essays.


15. Sworkit

Sworkit is an app that allows you to create and customise workouts that fit into your life, so you don’t have an excuse. You can choose from four categories – strength, cardio, yoga or stretching – and choose a time from five to 60 minutes. Like most apps, it offers in-app purchases that allow you to access more, but there are still several options available for free. You can download it for free on Apple and Android.

16. Citation Machine

Citation Machine is perfect for when you’re writing and need a quick way to create a citations page without doing it yourself. You pick between three different citation methods – APA, MLA and Harvard – and then all you do is type in the necessary information, such as the author’s name and book title, and copy and paste the full citation to your essay.



17. Library Catalogue

The library catalogue is an online collection of every book the library has, with extra information like the reference number, how many copies there are and where to find them, how long the loan is, and whether or not it’s available for reserve. You can also find e-books there, as well as journals and other non-print materials, such as reading lists for your modules. Once you’re enrolled in the uni, you can also use the library to log onto your account and see what you’ve got on loan and how much you may owe in fines, as well as being able to pay them. You can explore the library’s services here.

18. Lecturers

You’d think this goes without saying, but you’d be surprised at how many people – myself included, on occasion – forget how valuable lecturers can be outside the classroom. Book time during your lecturers’ office hours if you need to go over an assignment or if there was something that you didn’t quite understand in the lecture.

19. PayFriendz

Keeping track of how much money you owe your friends can be difficult sometimes. That’s where PayFriendz, a money sharing app, comes in. In the app, you can send money to people or politely ask that they pay you back. However, this does require the other person to have the app as well. It’s free to download on both Apple and Android.


20. Society19

This list couldn’t be complete without adding this website. With a range of topics including health and fitness, beauty tips, travel, relationships and hints to help you navigate uni, Society19 is definitely one to check out.

Do you know of any other helpful resources for Roehampton students? Comment below!
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