5 Healthy Ice Cream Alternatives To Try This Summer

As soon as the weather heats up when it comes to snacks you just want something sweet and icy but if you want to go a step further and keep things healthy here are some incredible ice cream alternatives to try this summer. Healthy food doesn’t have to be boring and if anything these choices will all be a lot tastier and more creative than your usual go-to’s. Just a warning: if you’re currently feeling peckish, this is most likely going to end up in an impulse buy or two.
1) Wacky Watermelon Sorbet
First up we have one of the fruitiest ice cream alternatives for you and it’s super simple. All you need to do is peel and cube a seedless watermelon. Then freeze the cubed watermelon until it’s solid, blend it into a super smooth puree then pack it all into a pan and freeze it again. This will then transform into a gorgeously fruity sorbet that is the perfect snack to keep you nice and cool. If you’re a fan of recipes that are quick to replicate then you definitely need to get practising this one. You’ll never look back.
2) ‘Mazin Matcha (Green Tea) Ice Cream
Next up is another simple recipe. You’ll need three bananas, a tablespoon of milk you like (with some honey if unsweetened) and two teaspoons of matcha. First, cut up your bananas into small pieces and freeze for at least a few hours. Then take the banana pieces out and let them thaw for a few minutes so they aren’t completely rock hard. Then place them into a food processor until they look a similar consistency to mashed potatoes. Add the matcha and milk till it looks like soft ice cream. And there you have it – one of the best ice cream alternatives for perfect green tea lovers.
3) Funky Frozen Bananas
If you’re a banana lover this will be the most perfect out of these ice cream alternatives for you. You’ll need four bananas, 12 wooden popsicle sticks, two cups of roughly chopped chocolate, chopped hazelnuts, almonds, Reese’s cups and sprinkles. However first, after collecting your ingredients, you’ll need to slice the bananas into thirds and insert the popsicle sticks into each one. Then place on a tray in the freezer until the sticks are nicely fixed inside. Heat up the chocolate separately into a sauce and dip each banana in one at a time before sprinkling on your topping of choice and freeze again to harden.
4) Cravetastic Coconut Granita
This next one has a few different ingredients but you should have the majority of them lying around somewhere. So, let’s get started. You will need one 14.oz can of coconut milk, 1/4 cup of honey or sugar, 1/4 cup of water, 1 lime (optional) and some chocolate sauce for serving if you’ve got an extra sweet tooth. In a shallow dish pour in the coconut milk and then combine the sugar and water in a separate microwaveable dish until the sugar dissolves. Add the coconut milk and squeeze in the lime at this point to give it extra taste. Then, place the dish in the freezer and scrape the mixture every 30 minutes for a couple of hours. Serve with chocolate sauce if you fancy!
5) Blissful Banana Blueberry Almond Popsicles
To conclude our list of ice cream alternatives recipes we have this sumptuous, fruity one. You will need 2 cups of almond milk, 1 large banana, 1 cup of frozen blueberries and 2 tablespoons of honey. After you’ve got these ingredients together place them into the bowl of your food processor and blend until smooth. Then, pour out the mixture into popsicle moulds and freeze for an hour. Then insert some popsicle sticks and freeze for an additional 3 hours. And there you have it, another delicious ice cream alternative.
Which of these ice cream alternatives will you be trying out? Comment down below which ones you think would be the most delicious!
Featured Image Source: https://weheartit.com/entry/328766227
Mia Gardner spends most of her time writing fashion and lifestyle pieces along to the sweet sound of an Arctic Monkeys album or two whilst fighting an extreme book-buying addiction and saving up for the day she can transform her dream of running a cat sanctuary into a reality. She’s also rather handy in the makeup department.