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6 Healthy Habits You Should Adopt Before 30

6 Healthy Habits You Should Adopt Before 30

6 Healthy Habits You Should Adopt Before 30

Adulthood and maintaining a healthy habit don’t always go hand in hand. Adulthood may seem scary and difficult but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. Every young person that has just joined the world of adults has to find his way through and understand himself better. What you need to understand is that life is a journey and only you decide how you wish to live your journey, which path you go and who you surround yourself with. This is your journey and no one is allowed to tell you what is wrong and right for you as it is your responsibility to find your way through. However, this is my personal list of healthy habits I believe every person should follow to lead a healthy and happy life. The sooner you realize what’s good and what’s toxic for you the better – but take your time! Your journey, your life!

1. Eat Wholesome Nutritious Food

There is no denying that healthy and nutrient dense foods will keep you going healthy and strong! Food is fuel and in order to work properly, you need to feed your body and mind with the right stuff. Remember to incorporate fruit and veg in your diet, and avoid fast foods and sweets at all cost. Everyone is different, everyone has different needs and one diet will not suit every single human on this planet – check with yourself and see how much you should consume in a day, what time, whether high carbs or protein diet works for you, or maybe low? What about veganism or maybe a piece of meat works better with you?

2. Prioritize Your Health And Mental Wellbeing

Wild parties, wild music, and dancing till the morning sound right. Oh, the beautiful student life, huh? While being in a constant hurry, we often forget to focus on ourselves. Take care of your body and mind the best way you can, since this is the machine that will keep you going! It doesn’t matter whether you go to the gym or workout at home as long as you work on your body to keep overall health. If weightlifting or HIIT workouts are not your thing, try yoga or Pilates and see if this makes you feel better. Also, I can’t stress enough how important sleep is and I feel like people tend to neglect sleep way too often – again, the number of hours you should get is very individual (however the average is 8 hours to let your organism recover and regain energy). Practice mindfulness and learn to manage stressful events – stress is needless and in excessive amount does no good to your body and mind.


3. Be True To Yourself And Stop Looking For Approval

It feels so good to be valued and appreciated by others, and be a part of the group of awesome people everyone looks up to. However, generally speaking, the only person you should seek approval from is yourself. You are you and do you! Don’t waste time comparing yourself to others and wishing to possess material things – focus on yourself and your needs instead. Each person is different and you’ll never satisfy the whole universe at once! Focus your attention on what you have and have achieved rather than what’s missing and what you don’t own.

4. Stay Away From People That Don’t Make You Feel Right

This is a very healthy habit I encourage you to adopt! It is a follow-up to the healthy habit number 3 and what it basically means is that don’t let negative people consume your time and energy! There is always this one person or a group of people that will tell you that you’re not good enough, you don’t work hard enough, to name a few. Do you and rock it! Let them live their life and back off from yours!

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5. Never Go To Bed With Makeup On Girl

This healthy habit varies from the rest, however, I believe that this must be said and I know ladies who still do goo to bed with their makeup on. This is bad for your skin and you should stop doing it ASAP! You will not only improve the condition of your skin but also save money on dermatologists!

6. Never Stop Learning And Exploring

This healthy habit is very close to my heart! Travelling is life, it is a way of living! This gives you power, motivates you, educated you and gives you u deeper understanding of other cultures and helps you get to know people better! Regardless of race, religion, beliefs or gender and age – we are here to learn and grow as human beings! Take this opportunity and discover! It also refers to broadening your knowledge in different fields of interest, whether it’s sport, science, language, etc. Do what makes you feel right and happy!

What’s a healthy habit that you have adopted? Share with us in the comments below.

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