
10 Healthy Habits To Embed In Your Everyday Routine

Are you one of those people who said ‘New Year, new me?’ in January? Have you stuck to it so far? To be honest, I was struggling in the beginning but I have found the trick to changing for the best. It’s all about creating habits! If you do it continuously, then your body and your mind will not dislike it as much as they did in the beginning. You just go on autopilot! These are a few healthy habits off the top of my head that you can do as well, to feel better and change your bad habits.

1. Drink more water.

This is one of the best healthy habits! Water is better for you than fizzy drinks. When eating your meal, switch to water. When you feel ready, drink more water throughout the day as well! It’s all about baby steps. I’m not saying tomorrow to drink 3 litres of water, but to generally prefer water to sugary fizzy drinks. Your body actually needs water more than bubbled air and sugar, which makes you lethargic. You can also purchase a cute and motivational water bottle to get started!

2. Set a bedtime hour.

For me, I have to be in bed at 12am. I aim to get my beauty sleep and a fresh face every night with 8 hours of sleep daily. Set an aim as well as this is one of the best healthy habits. How many hours do you want to sleep at night? What time to you wake up for work or uni? Then, you calculate backwards. If you need to sleep at 11pm, then make it a habit to be in bed by 10.30 and switch off everything at 11pm to fall asleep.

3. Don’t overthink.

Because our lives are stressful these days, our minds tend to overthink everything unconsciously. Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and relax. Do you want that cute pair of heels? Don’t overthink it! If you have the money, then treat yourself this time but if you’d rather save for this Barcelona trip but REALLY want this pair, then save the money and get the pair after you come back from Barcelona. You don’t know how to ask your classmate something in case he thinks you’re weird? Everyone is weird, so just ask! It’s just a question. Make everything simple in your mind, and don’t stress that much about decisions.

4. 1 minute rule.

This is a great habit to have! Living by the 1 min rule will change your life, so let me explain! You get dressed in the morning and you’re ready to head out for uni or work but your bed is messy. WELL, it will only take you a minute to make your bed. Coming back from seeing friends and you throw your shoes and clothes anywhere. Well, it will take you less than a minute to put them in your wardrobe! See what I mean. Sometimes, ‘I’ll do it later’ is not enough to make our lives a little easier. If you can do a task in less than a minute, then do it now!

5. 1 fruit a day.

Get those vitamins, girl! Having a goal to eat at least one fruit a day is great! It’s a really healthy habit as people these days rely on pills to get vitamins and antioxidants. Guess what! You can get it from fruit and vegetables too! You can eat them with your breakfast or snack on fruit.

6. Go the hard way at least once in a day.

By that I mean, to for example take the stairs and not the lift. Or walk once a week to work. Especially if you don’t exercise much, it’s good for you to be a bit more active naturally. It’s good for blood circulation.

7. Spend more time with loved ones.

Now that you’re in uni, you’re actually living alone and you don’t get to see your family and friends that much. Have some time each week to have a phone call or a skype session with your family. Talk to your friends back home. Make time for your loved ones now, because you will never really know when time will separate you. It’s hard to mend broken relationships when it was negligence and our busy lives that caused it.

See Also

8. Listen to a podcast.

There are so many podcasts to listen to these days, on Spotify and iTunes. I would highly recommend the TedTalks podcasts as they are educational and they really make you think! It’s also easy to listen to one, as you can do it on your way to work or uni or even at the gym. Instead of music, you can choose to listen to something motivational once a day or even once a week! This is definitely one of the best healthy habits to get into.

9. Wear sunscreen.

Sunscreen in the winter? Are you mad? Actually no! Even though there is no sun in London during winter, the UV rays still damage your skin. And the pollution as well! Sunscreen is a great way to prevent those UV rays from damaging your skin and a great way to prevent aging prematurely.

10. Put leftovers away.

Eating leftovers is a great way to save on money and prevent unnecessary waste. I’d rather eat yesterday’s chicken rather than buy myself lunch the next day. We gotta save those pennies!! Think of it as meal prepping! You’ve actually cooked for 2 days! Well done!!

What healthy habits are you following diligently? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured Image Source: www.
Christina Balatsiou

Half Greek half British gal living in London. Currently obsessed with pineapple, dogs, writing and photography.

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