Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Busy Mornings

Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Busy Mornings

Whether you’re working or studying, or just have a generally bust lifestyle, its difficult to fit in breakfast, let alone a healthy one. And its just so easy to stop at a Gregg’s, Starbucks or a Mcdonald’s during your route, but not only can that get costly, but its super unhealthy, and a really bad habit to get into. Obviously the ideal is to get up early and start rolling out oats, or grilling veg, to achieve your healthy breakfast dreams. But the reality is that most of us barely have time to brush our teeth in the morning!

Here are my healthy breakfast recommendations for some of the busiest of mornings.

Nak’d Bar

Nak’d bar’s come in a variety of flavours and are full of protein and fibre, and taste great. You can keep them in your desk at work or in the back of your car and just pull them out whenever you’re rushing. They’re very filling, without being too much in the morning, and they’re the perfect way to start your day.



Whether you’re buying this from the shop, or getting your blend on in the morning smoothies are perfect when you’re having a serious rush. Just remember if you’re buying them to make sure they don’t contain any added sugar or concentrated juices. And when you’re blending at home don’t add any extra juice, just add almond or coconut milk, or water to get the texture perfect.

Aim for smoothies that contain spirulina, protein powder, banana, fruits, and nuts to give you that morning glow. They’ll also keep you going if you’re planning an afternoon workout.

Narin’s Oats biscuits

These are hands down my favourite breakfast biscuits out there. They come in lots of different flavours, chocolate, fruit, nut and more and taste great. You can get them in either thinner biscuits (4 in a pack) or chunky biscuits (3 in a pack). They’re perfect for sitting at your desk dipping in tea. They packed with oats and fibre and super low calorie.


Plus they’re gluten free – and most flavours vegan!

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Nut butter & Banana Bowl

This may sound like a bit of a basic breakfast but its actually great. All you need is, peanut, almond, hazelnut or whatever nut butter takes your fancy and mix it up with some chopped banana. You can add honey and chia seeds if you want to mix it up, but the basics are all you really need. super easy healthy breakfast to pack and take wherever you want to, and takes about 5 seconds to prepare.



You’ve likely seen MOMA pots and sachets in your local supermarket. They have tonnes or different flavours of pots – many of which are gluten and dairy free, and contain oats porridge and granola type foods. These are so easy because all you truly need to do is add hot water, or hot milk. They’re not super filling, so perfect if you’re going to be busying around and don’t want something stodgy, but they have a great taste and are full of protein, fibre and contain natural flavouring and wholegrain oats. They’re truly delicious.

Graze Protein Bites

Graze protein bites are essentially healthy breakfast bars but in bite sized and for some reason definitely yummier. They’re great if you’re on the go, or if have a long morning drive, or sat in a class or at your desk. They’re super easy, and come in lots of flavours which are all natural and raw, including oats and a variety of seeds. Plus they’re packed full of protein – great for straight after a workout.

Mornings can be super busy and intense, and usually, there’s not much time for a healthy breakfast! Tell us your quick breakfast favorites in the comments below!

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