
Do you like working out but get bored doing it alone? Well, check out these ways to find a gym buddy that will totally help make working out more exciting!
The Best Ways To Find A Gym Buddy Without Looking Too Desperate

Some people love to work out with other people, they enjoy themselves much more, usually…

Finding ways to overcome rejection can be difficult, but it is possible. Here are some tips on how to deal with rejection and move forward.
8 Ways To Overcome Rejection From A Person You Admire

All of us have experienced some kind of rejection. Whether it concerned love, work or…

Here's Why JOMO Is Better Than FOMO
Here’s Why JOMO Is Better Than FOMO

If you’re anything like me, on more than one occasion you’ll have succumbed to FOMO.…

I Ate And Trained Like Kendall Jenner For One Week And This Is What Happened

Kendall Jenner is one of the most globally recognised models of today, and it’s no…

The Best Yoga Positions To Improve Your Sleep Pattern
The Best Yoga Positions To Improve Your Sleep Pattern

Yoga positions have been known to improve many aspects of the health, from metabolism, weight,…

From giving your self personal time to do what you enjoy to spending time with others, here are 6 ways to look after your mental health at university!
6 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health Whilst At University

It’s that time again where students from all over the world will be going to…

You are trying to cut out unhealthy foods from your diet. Here is a list  of 20 unhealthy foods you should stop eating ASAP.
20 Unhealthy Foods You Should Stop Eating ASAP

You are trying to live a healthy lifestyle? It all starts with a good diet.…

Whether it’s an exam you have to revise for or something menial like cleaning the bathroom, you’re going to have to do it at some point and that time is now. So here’s a list of ways to get motivated when you really just couldn't be bothered.
5 Ways To Get Motivated When Being Lazy Is All You Want To Do

Self-motivation is one of the hardest things to do when you just want to crawl…

Get That Summer Booty: 5 Exercises For A Better Butt

It’s sculpting time. Make your body the body of work you want to show off.…

8 Habits To Make You Fitter, Healthier and Happier
8 Habits To Make You Fitter, Healthier and Happier

Let’s be real, becoming fit and healthy (and maintaining it) doesn’t happen by accident and…